Individuals can contact the CAO if they want to report that an employee has committed fraud, which is an action that involves lying to or tricking someone on purpose. These charges can come from many sources, including calls letters, informants and coworkers.
Employee fraud includes the following actions:
Taking funds away from the intended purpose.
Taking bribes or other payments from individuals who receive MA.
Stealing or selling of welfare documents.
Approving or issuing benefits for an individual who does not exist or who is not eligible.
Using the job to get benefits that an individual should not receive.
NOTE: The Bureau of Fraud Prevention and Prosecution (BFPP), and the Office of Inspector General (OIG), investigates all charges.
When an employee is accused of fraud, the Executive Director or delegate will do the following:
Get as complete a description as possible of the act of fraud from the individual who makes the complaint.
Alert the director of the BFPP (717-783-7672) of the claim and let the director know that he or she will get a memo about it.
Not have any conversation with the suspected employee about the charge, nor allow any argument about it between the individual who made the complaint and the suspected employee.
Summarize, in writing, the charge and any action taken and forward it to BFPP Headquarters, Attention: Director, BFPP, 101 S. Second Street, First Floor, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101.
Take no further action until OIG headquarters gives instructions.
Make no comments or promises if the suspected employee tries to discuss the matter.
Accept no proposals, such as for retirement or resignation by the employee, without first contacting the Deputy Secretary for Income Maintenance, the Director of Labor Relations and the Director of the BFPP.
After the investigation, OIG staff will inform the Executive Director of the local CAO, the director of Labor Relations and the Deputy Secretary of DPW of the results.
Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing September 6, 2008