315.5 Determining Eligibility

The Children with Special Needs category is authorized only after eligibility for all other MA categories has been explored. It is a category of last resort for medical coverage.

The CAO will determine eligibility for Children with Special Needs using the following criteria:         55 Pa. Code §§ 140.601    55 Pa. Code §§ 140.603   

NOTE:    If the child has been denied SSI or RSDI for a non-medical reason and SSA completed the medical evaluation, an MRT referral is not required.

The individual is advised that the denied application, income, resource and household composition information is automatically forwarded to Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID) through the COMPASS system for a Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility determination.


55 Pa. Code §§ 140.601–140.603

Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing April 7, 2011