315.6 Authorizing Benefits

If eligible, authorize eligibility for the child with special needs in category “PH,” program status code “95.” Generate a notice of eligibility per Chapter 377, Notices.

When the CAO receives documentation from a physician, or licensed psychologist of disability, and the child has not been determined disabled by SSA or MRT, the child should be authorized presumptively and a DAP referral should be completed for MRT review. Section 305.26, Presumptive Eligibility PH/PJ/TJ.

The CAO is to use the PH 95 data base to report the parental income (earned and unearned) and household information that is required under Act 7A of 2002 in order for the department to submit an annual report to the General Assembly.

For all applications and renewals, the caseworker must complete the Data Collection Interface Data Entry Slip. Clerical staff enters the information in the Data Collection Interface Data Inquiry Screen: http://PH95LH


Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing April 14, 2011