377.4 Confirming Notice

A budget closed with a confirming notice must be closed on the third day after the action is taken. The CAO must send a confirming notice to the recipient when (a) increasing MA benefits or (b) reducing or stopping MA benefits for any of the following reasons:         55 Pa. Code § 133.4(c)

NOTE:  A notice is not required if the recipient who died lived alone, unless a representative applied for the recipient.

NOTE:  The statement will apply to that specific action, not an agreement for other changes.

Example: A TC mother gets back together with her husband and signs a note asking the CAO to stop benefits immediately for herself and her children.

NOTE: It is important to be very careful before closing a case because of returned mail. The CAO will try to find out the reason the mail was returned. A recipient could be sick or in a hospital and not able to get his or her mail.

NOTE: The CAO will determine eligibility for payment of services in an LTC facility or HCBS.

Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing December 16, 2010