323.7 Individual Whose Location Is Unknown

If the CAO does not know where an individual is, and if mail such as the ACCESS card, letters, forms, or eligibility notice has been returned by the Post Office with no forwarding address, the CAO must send a confirming notice letting the individual know that benefits will be discontinued. If the individual lets the CAO know where he or she is, the CAO must restart MA as of the closing date.         55 Pa. Code § 133.4(c)(2)(vi)  

NOTE:  The CAO should review situations involving an individual’s unknown location or failure to cooperate to make sure that benefits are not stopped when the individual is in a hospital. If the CAO learns that a case was closed when it should not have been, the CAO must reopen the case as of the date it was closed. The CAO must ask whether medical cards are needed for members of the budget group and issue the cards if they are needed.


Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing January 31, 2009