337.2 Medicare Part A - Hospital Insurance

Most individuals automatically get Medicare Part A coverage based on the work history of the individual or the individual’s spouse. However, individuals who do not automatically get Part A coverage may still be eligible for Part A and get the premium paid by the Department of Public Welfare through the Medicare Buy-In Program. Eligible individuals include SSI recipients and other Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMBs). See Chapter 388.2, Buy-In of Medicare Part A, for eligibility requirements and Chapter 388.6, Authorizing Buy-In, for the manual enrollment process.

Important: If the individual already has Medicare Part B, the individual can be enrolled in the Medicare Part A Buy-In through a CAO manual accrete process. The individual does not have to go to the Social Security Administration office to apply for Medicare Part A. The individual should be referred to the Social Security Administration to apply for Medicare only if the individual does not have Medicare Part B coverage.

337.21 Coverage

Medicare Part A covers:

Inpatient care in hospitals, including semi-private rooms, meals, nursing services, supplies, and other services ordinarily provided by the hospital. Inpatient hospital care is limited to 90 days for each benefit period. An additional 60 days are available as non-reusable lifetime reserve days.

Mental health care in a psychiatric hospital is limited to 190 days in a lifetime.

Beginning with the fourth unit of blood received at a hospital or Long Term Care (LTC) facility during a covered stay.

Hospice care for individuals with a terminal illness and a life expectancy of six months or less. Hospice coverage is available for two 90-day periods, followed by an unlimited number of 60-day periods.

Important: Hospice care can continue even if the individual lives for more than six months.

Hospice care includes physician and nursing services, grief counseling, medical social services, physical, occupational, and speech therapy, medical supplies and appliances, home health aide and homemaker services, outpatient drugs for symptom management and pain relief, and respite care.

Part-time and intermittent skilled care for physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech-related pathology and medical social services.  Durable medical equipment like wheel chairs, hospital beds, oxygen and walkers may also be covered.

Stays in skilled nursing facilities (but not LTC or custodial care) which includes semi-private rooms, meals, skilled nursing and rehab services up to 100 days in a benefit period only after a three day inpatient hospital stay. A benefit period begins the day you go in to the hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF). The benefit period ends when you have not received any hospital or SNF care for 60 days in a row.

Medicare beneficiaries have significant deductibles and co-pays for services covered under Part A unless the individual has secondary coverage (for example: Medical Assistance or a Medigap plan) to help pay those costs.


     NOTE:  For the first 20 days Medicare will make full payment for LTC facility services.

Benefit Period for Part A:

337.22 Premiums

Most individuals do not pay a premium for Medicare Part A, because the individual or the spouse of the individual or a parent in the case of a disabled adult child has paid Medicare taxes through their employment for more than 40 quarters. Individuals age 65 or older with 39 quarters or less and disabled individuals who have lost free Part A because of a return to work or a parent’s return to work in the case of a disabled adult child, may also be eligible to buy Part A coverage. Medical Assistance can purchase Part A coverage for certain individuals aged 65 or older who are eligible for Part A but who would have to pay for it (for example, those over 65 who receive SSI benefits. See Section 387.5)

Individuals have to meet an annual Part A deductible before Medicare starts covering 80% of the costs. The 2013 annual deductible is $1,184

The 2013 Part A premiums are as follows:

337.23 Enrollment Period

The enrollment period for Part A is January through March to be effective July 1st of the same year.

Updated  January 1, 2013,  Replacing February 14, 2012