339.3 Approving Initial EMC Benefits

The Client Information System (CIS) will create a case alert (#80) for TANF or TANF-U cases that are closed for the following reasons when a PC or PU budget is not opened the day after the cash closing:

NOTE:  The CAO should review TANF or TANF-related NMP-F cases that are closed with reason code 063 to decide whether the case should have been closed because of earned income.

If the budget group is eligible for EMC, the CAO will take the following actions:

55 Pa. Code § 140.511

NOTE:  When a TANF or NMP-F case closes because of income, and if other eligibility rules are met, the CAO must also send a notice telling the client they will no longer receive that benefit.

NOTE:  EMC is enrolled in SAR separately from other programs.

The ALPHA SAR code for EMC is “A,” for “an MA budget is in the SAR system.”

The “A” only means that the budget is an MA budget. An EMC budget does not have to be tracked, and a late incomplete notice (L/IN) is not issued.

The caseworker will do the following:

NOTE:  The EMC reviews are in months four, seven and twelve. Eligibility in other categories must be considered after the twelve-month review.

Example: EMC starts 10/14/2011; the renewal date is set to 10/31/2012.

Important: A renewal for EMC is required at the end of the twelve-month EMC period.

Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing March 28, 2008