At the end of the first quarter, the EMC budget group must confirm that a TANF qualified child is living in the budget group. In the seventh month, the EMC budget group should use the SAR form to report the following information for month six: 55 Pa. Code § 140.521
Earned income of each member of the budget group (unearned income does not need to be reported).
Allowable dependent care costs.
Changes in who is in the household.
When an EMC recipient reports income that is lower than the NMP-F family size allowance, the CAO will enter the information into CIS or e-CIS and allow the system to choose the correct category.
The SAR system is the process used to collect income information for SNAP, cash assistance and some MA cases. Since most EMC recipients get SNAP, the CAO will use the SAR form to get the information needed for EMC.
There is no file tracking of EMC-only cases in the SAR system, and L/INs are not sent for those cases. The CAO will explain to EMC recipients:
What the reporting rules are.
How to use the SAR form.
That the budget group still may use any reporting method it wishes.
The review in the seventh month is done with a SAR form. The SAR form due date is the same date that would be used for a cash assistance or SNAP case.
Example: TANF is closed in May, and EMC is approved in May. The first quarterly report is due by August 21. The SAR form is due in November.
NOTE: The CAO will accept any information from the individual as proof for the fourth month.
The CAO will take action on the case by the SAR form deadline.
If the client requests good cause for failure to report on time, the CAO must verify the good cause. (See SNAP Handbook, Chapter 571.33, Good Cause.)
If the budget group does not report income, child care costs and changes in the household accurately and on time, an overpayment may occur.
Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing March 28, 2008