361.3 Deductions---SSI Related

Income deductions for the SSI related categories apply to individuals who qualify for the aged (TA) or disabled (TJ) categories of MNO.

361.31 Unearned Income Deductions—SSI-Related

Each individual with unearned income can receive deductions for expenses that are needed to be eligible for or to receive the unearned income. These expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:       55 Pa. Code § 181.131(a)  

These include the cost of standard checks, annual fees, minimum balance and per check fees, and ATM fees. These deductions do not apply to Long Term Care (LTC) or Waiver cases.

This can be the actual cost of public transportation or the costs of using another individual’s car. If a individual uses their own car, the CAO must use the current deduction set in Commonwealth Travel Procedures Manual 230.1, Effective November 1, 2011.  These deductions do not apply to LTC or Waiver cases.

NOTE:  Personal income taxes are not expenses that the individual must pay to receive unearned income. They are not an allowable deduction. Alimony  payments, even if court ordered, are not an allowable deduction.

After deducting unearned income expenses, the CAO must deduct the first $20 of income that the applicant/recipient group receives in a calendar month The deduction is not applied to income based on need and funded in whole or part by the federal government or nongovernmental agency, such as the Veterans Administration, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Catholic Charities or the Salvation Army.          55 Pa. Code § 181.131(b)

The CAO must allow the $20 deduction from the following veterans benefits given to veterans and their dependents:

Benefits received on the basis of:

If the applicant/recipient group has no unearned income or has less than $20 in unearned income, the CAO must apply the rest of the $20 deduction to the group’s earned income.

361.32 Earned Income Deductions—SSI-Related

Deductions from earned income must be allowed in the following order:      55 Pa. Code § 181.132

1. The $20 monthly deduction if there is no unearned income, or any part of the $20 deduction not deducted from unearned income.

Reminder: There is only one $20 monthly deduction for each applicant/recipient group.

2. $65 per month from the earned income of each employed individual.

3. Impairment related work expenses. This deduction must be given to each employed individual with a disability who:

NOTE:  Persons who are blind are not eligible for this deduction. See item #5 for the work expenses of individuals who are blind.

Impairment related work expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:

Example: An attendant helps a individual when she gets ready for work and when she comes home from work which takes about two hours a day. The rest of the attendant’s eight hour day is spent cleaning the individual’s house. Only  1/4 of the attendant's daily wages are deducted as an impairment related work expense.

Example: Wheelchairs, hemodialysis equipment, canes, crutches, inhalators and pacemakers.

Examples: Artificial arms, legs, and other parts of the body.

Examples: One-handed typewriters, telecommunications devices for the deaf, tools designed to make it possible for the individual to work even with the impairment and an outdoor ramp for a wheelchair or outside railings or pathways for a individual who needs crutches

NOTE:  A drug or medical service used as an impairment-related work expense may not be used again as a medical expense when determining a individual’s eligibility for MA.

  4. 1/2 of the earned income that is left over. Each employed individual who is aged, blind or disabled can receive this deduction.

  5. Work expenses of a individual who is blind. This deduction is given to each employed individual who is blind and who:

The deduction must be allowed for the following expenses:


Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing January 13, 2009