368.4 NMP Spend-Down

NMP spend-down makes it possible to deduct medical expenses from net income to become eligible for NMP. When an applicant/recipient group's net income is more than the eligibility limit for continuing NMP, the CAO will apply the NMP spend-down rules.The CAO will make the following deductions, as needed, to try to make the applicant/recipient group income-eligible:       55 Pa. Code § 181.13   

NOTE:  Only medical expenses paid in the month for which monthly spend-down eligibility is being determined can be used. Expenses paid in past months are not allowable. Unpaid medical expenses from the retroactive period may be used, as long as the individual still has to pay them.

Example:  On June 7, Mrs. Smith applies for TANF-related NMP for herself and her two children, ages 10 and 16.  Each child gets $175 a month in court ordered support.  Mrs. Smith is employed and earns $820 a month. Mrs. Smith qualifies for the incentive, because she had received TANF-related NMP in one of the four calendar months before the month she applied. The family has no paid or unpaid medical expenses.

MA eligibility for June.

Gross earned income


Work Expenses




50% Earned Income Incentive Deduction




Court-ordered support: $350-$200 (MA Support disregard)




$10 spend-down




Family size allowance (FSA)



Mrs. Smith and her children are ineligible for TANF-related NMP, unless they have $69 ($490 - $421) of paid medical expenses in June or unpaid medical expenses from the retroactive period that they still have to pay.

The CAO must subtract the deductions from the applicant/recipient group's total net income. The total net income is found by applying the rules in Section 368.3, Continuing NMP.

Spend-down eligibility exists when the applicant/recipient group's total monthly net income, after allowable spend-down deductions, is equal to or less than the NMP limit.

There are two types of NMP spend-down:

The CAO will approve continuing NMP on the basis of expected income and expenses. These monthly spend-down budgets are assigned a program status code of 22.

Example:  Mr. George receives NMP spend-down, category PA. His only income is his monthly Social Security benefit. His spend-down eligibility is based on the $10 spend-down deduction and his monthly Medicare Part B premium. The CAO approves continuing NMP.

Example:   Mr. Sing is eligible for NMP spend-down. His eligibility is based, in part, on prescription expenses, which vary from month to month. Each month, Mr. Sing gives the CAO proof of his medical expenses. Each month, the CAO approves NMP beginning the day after the spend-down amount is met and ending the last day of the calendar month.


368.41 Spend-Down Eligibility Period

For an applicant/recipient group that is eligible for NMP spend-down, the CAO will begin NMP coverage in the calendar month in which eligibility is set. Coverage will begin on one of the following days, whichever is later:

Example:   Mr. Able applies for NMP on July 12 and shows proof of medical expenses for July 6. The medical expenses are needed to set Mr. Able's eligibility for NMP spend-down. NMP begins on July 12, the date of application.

NOTE:  The CAO will approve NMP spend-down effective the day after the medical expense was charged, not the date it is proven.

Example:   Mr. Clark applies on July 12. His income is $30 more than the NMP limit. On July 13, he has a prescription expense, which lowers his income to below the limit. He provides proof of the expense on July 15. NMP begins July 14, the day after he provided proof of the paid prescription.

If the applicant/recipient group is found eligible for NMP spend-down, the CAO will continue eligibility as follows:

Example:  Mr. Baker gets PJ under NMP spend-down. Each month he must spend $120. His monthly Medicare Part B expense is $99.90. He spends the rest ($20.10) to pay for some of his prescriptions, which usually cost about $85 per month. On June 3, he proves that he had an expense of $24 for a prescription on June 2. The CAO approves a one-time issuance in category PJ, beginning June 3 (the day after he received the prescription) and ending June 30. Mr. Baker must spend $20.10 again in July before NMP can be approved for the rest of that month.

Example:  On October 12, Ms. Schultz applies for MA to help with the cost of prescriptions and a monthly visit to her doctor. Her only income is a Social Security disability benefit. A Medicare Part B premium of $99.90 is deducted from her check each month. Ms. Shultz's income after allowable deductions is $35 more than the SSI benefit level. The CAO applies the spend-down rules by deducting $10 and the $99.90 Medicare Part B premium. Ms. Schultz is eligible for NMP. Since both her income and medical expenses are not expected to change, the CAO approves continuing NMP beginning October 12.

When a monthly review is required, the CAO will not require an application. If the applicant/recipient group fails to become eligible or is found ineligible for three months in a row, then the CAO will treat a request for NMP as a new application and will require a new application form.

The CAO will determine an applicant/recipient group’s eligibility for MNO for the month not covered by NMP spend-down. If the applicant/recipient group is eligible for MNO, the CAO will approve MNO. The CAO will close and open MNO for the periods of NMP eligibility. A new application is not required.

Example:  On November 2, the CAO receives an application for MA. The CAO determines that the individual must spend $55 each month to be eligible for NMP spend-down. The individual is also eligible for MNO. The CAO lets the individual know about the need for spend-down and approves continuing MNO effective November 2. On November 15, the individual proves that he met the $55 spend-down amount on that date. The CAO closes MNO and approves NMP to cover November 16 through November 30. The CAO reopens continuing MNO effective December 1.


368.42 Eligibility for Spend-Down

The CAO will determine NMP spend-down eligibility when the applicant/recipient group's net income is over the limit. (See Section 368.3, Continuing NMP.)

For NMP spend-down, the CAO will consider income and expenses as follows:

NOTE:  The CAO will not use the 30 days before application or eligibility to estimate income for spend-down.

The CAO will determine expected income and expenses on the basis of what the applicant/recipient group will receive or pay during a calendar month.

The CAO will determine spend-down eligibility as follows:

1. Deduct $10 from the group's total net income. Compare the amount that is left with the NMP limit.

2. Deduct allowable medical expenses from the net income, after the $10 deduction. Deduct paid expenses only if they are paid in the calendar month for which spend-down is being requested. Deduct unpaid expenses from the three-month retroactive period and expected expenses in the month for which spend-down is being requested.      55 Pa. Code § 181.13(e)

3. Compare the amount that is left with the income limit.

NOTE:  Since monthly spend-down (program status code 21) is opened and closed each month, a renewal date cannot be set.

4. Send a notice to applicant letting them know of the decision.

Example:  Mr. and Mrs. Dixon, both age 66, apply for NMP and talk with a caseworker on February 6. Mr. Dixon gets a gross Social Security benefit of $850 per month. Mrs. Dixon gets a gross Social Security benefit of $450. Each has Medicare Part B, at a cost of $99.90 each per month. In March, they will be billed $300 for their quarterly Blue Cross/Blue Shield premium.

Net income eligibility for February.

Mr. .Dixon’s gross unearned income              $900.00

Mrs. Dixon.’s gross unearned income            +450.00

Total gross unearned income                      $1,350.00

Unearned income exclusion                             -20.00

Total net income                                        $1,330.00

Healthy Horizons limit for two                $1,261.00

SSI benefit level for two                              $1,081.30


The income is more than the limit for both Healthy Horizons and NMP (PA).  The CAO considers NMP spend-down eligibility.

Spend-down eligibility for February

Total net income                           $1,330.00

$10 Spend-down deduction                 -10.00


SSI benefit level for two                  $1,081.30

Excess income to be spent              $238.70

Medical expenses (Medicare )           -199.80

Amount to be spent each month         $38.90


Mr. and Mrs. Dixon do not expect any other medical expenses for the month of application (February). The CAO approves monthly spend-down beginning with a noncontinuous eligibility effective for the calendar month of March, when they will have to pay the Blue Cross/Blue Shield premium.


Updated  February 14, 2012, Replacing  October 25, 2008