423.1 General Policy

Any Pennsylvania resident may receive payment by The Department of Human Services (DHS) for Long-Term Care (LTC) services if the individual meets all other requirements. There is no minimum time that the individual must live in Pennsylvania.

55 Pa. Code § 148.1  

A resident of Pennsylvania is any individual who:

When a resident of another state is admitted to an LTC facility in Pennsylvania, the County Assistance Office (CAO) must consider that individual to be a Pennsylvania resident

NOTE:  If the individual owns resident property in another state, one resident property will not be used in deciding that individual’s eligibility for Medical Assistance (MA) and payment of LTC services.

An individual who leaves an LTC facility in Pennsylvania for inpatient hospital care in another county or state and plans to return is considered a resident of the county where the LTC facility is located or where the individual is receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).     55 Pa. Code § 148.11(b)


Updated March 12, 2012, Replacing October 31, 2008