Buy-In of Part B is available to an individual who:
Meets one or more of the following Medicare Part B entitlement requirements:
Age 65 or older and receiving Part A.
Age 65 or older, a resident of the United Sates, and is a U.S. citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence who has lived in the U.S. continuously for five years immediately prior to the month of enrollment.
Under age 65 and has been entitled to Social Security Disability under Title II or railroad disability benefits for more than 24 months.
Eligible due to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
Receives benefits in the A, J, or M category.
Receives benefits in the PAW, PJW, PMW, PAN, PJN, PMN or PVN category and meets one of the following state coverage group requirements:
QMB- Individuals eligible as a QMB and receiving benefits in a LTC or HCBS category are enrolled in Buy-In using PSC 80 with the appropriate category.
SLMB- Individuals eligible as a SLMB and receiving benefits in a LTC or HCBS category are enrolled in Buy-In using PSC 66 with the appropriate category.
Issued May 1, 2012