Appendix E  2014 MAGI Tax Deductions Maximum Amounts


Effective 1/22/14


MAGI-Deductible Expense

Maximum Amount

Student loan interest



Self-employed health insurance


No maximum

Deductible part of self-employment tax


No maximum

Health savings account deduction


No maximum

Educator expenses



Certain business expenses of reservist, performing artist and fee-basis government officials


No maximum

Moving expenses


No maximum

Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE and qualified plans


No maximum

Penalty on early withdrawal of savings


No maximum

Alimony paid


No maximum

IRA deduction

Under the age of 50- $5,500.00

50 years of age and older- $6,500.00

Tuition and fees



Domestic production activities


No maximum

Issued September 19, 2014