314.3 Excluded Education Assistance—SSI Related

The amount of a grant, scholarship, or fellowship used for paying tuition, fees, or other necessary educational expenses is excluded income. It is not counted when determining eligibility for benefits. However, any part of the financial assistance that is made available only for basic living needs, such as housing and food, is not excluded.          55 Pa. Code § 181.123(2)  


Grants or loans to undergraduate students that are made or insured under a program administered by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education are also considered to be excluded income. (See section 507 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1968—20 USCA Section 1060 note and 1091 note.)

55 Pa. Code § 181.121(9)

The following are examples of these grants and loans:


Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing June 13, 2008