315.1 General Policy

The Children with Special Needs Category provides full Medical Assistance (MA) benefits to children up to age 18 who meet disability requirements and do not receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits under Title XVI of the Social Security Act.


The Children with Special Needs category is authorized only after eligibility for all other MA categories has been explored.

315.11 Eligibility Requirements

The County Assistance Office (CAO) will determine eligibility for Children with Special Needs based on the requirements in this Chapter and the following chapters:           55 Pa Code  § 140.21


315.12 Benefits

The Children with Special Needs category provides the following benefits:

315.13 Presumptive Eligibility

A child should be authorized presumptively when:

Acceptable disability verification for presumptive eligibility includes, but is not limited to:

There is no presumptive eligibility for retroactive MA for the Children with Special Needs category.

315.14 Verification

The CAO will verify the following:


Explain the use of the Authorization for Information (PA 4) when collateral contacts are necessary. Complete the form only if the individual or representative is unable to obtain the necessary evidence to verify eligibility. If the PA 4 is necessary, individuals receiving benefits who are under age 21 and emancipated must sign the PA 4 within 30 days from the date of renewal. (Section 304.42, CAO Responsibilities.)             55 Pa. Code § 201.4(2)(ii)


Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing April 14, 2011