If the CAO is not certain that the individual is a resident, proof of residence must be provided before the CAO will authorize benefits. Proof of residence will consist of the following: 55 Pa. Code § 148.3
Proof that the individual is living in Pennsylvania, regardless of how long he or she has been or will be living here
The individual’s statement that he or she plans to stay in Pennsylvania 55 Pa. Code § 148.3
The following things can be used to prove an individual’s residence:
A rent receipt.
A receipt for mortgage or utility payments.
A deed.
A lease agreement.
A driver's license.
A church record.
An affidavit from someone who knows the applicant.
A tax office record.
A voter registration card.
A statement that a room is available at a motel or hotel, a mission, the Salvation Army, a homeless shelter, or the like.
For victims of domestic violence, a statement that an individual is enrolled in the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) (see Cash Assistance Handbook section 108.102, Alternate Address).
An individual can provide his or her own proof of residence, or it can come from someone else acting on the individual’s behalf.
Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing January 31, 2009