377.1 General Policy

A written notice to the applicant or recipient is required when an action is proposed or taken regarding eligibility for Medical Assistance (MA). If a representative applies on an individual’s behalf, a copy of all notices is also sent to the representative.        55 Pa. Code § 125.1     55 Pa. Code § 133.4(a)


The CAO must send a copy of the notice to the LTC Service Provider, including any agencies that assess, enroll, and disenroll individuals in Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) when:



To ensure a notice is sent to the LTC Service Provider, the following steps must be taken:


NOTE:  Steps to follow in e-CIS



The provider information will be saved in CIS; however, a notice will not automatically go to the provider when a future change is made. When a change requiring a notice occurs during case maintenance, the CAO must enter a “Y” on CANOCA to generate a notice to the provider.


NOTE:  For individuals enrolling in an HCBS program, the CAO may need to contact the assessment agency if the address is not provided on the HCBS Eligibility/Ineligibility/Change form (PA 1768).


The notice will contain the following information in language that is easily understood by the applicant or recipient:


NOTE:  Individuals have 30 days from the mailing date on the notice to submit an oral or written request for an appeal. If the request for an appeal is postmarked or received orally or in writing 15 days from the processing date, benefits will continue unchanged pending the hearing decision.



Example: On Friday May 23rd, the CAO processes a change that results in the discontinuance of MA benefits. Monday, May 26th is a holiday. The mailing date is Tuesday, May 27th.

CAOs are to utilize system-generated notices whenever possible. If a situation occurs in which a system-generated notice cannot be sent, the CAO will send the most current manual notice available on DocuShare.


While CIS sends separate system-generated notices for Cash Assistance, SNAP, and MA, the CAO may include information about Cash Assistance, SNAP and MA budgets on a single manual notice (PA162), if appropriate. Notice text may be found in the CIS Systems Reference Table: TNRT.


When one type of notice is specified for a particular action, another notice is not required. For example, a Confirming Notice is not sent to confirm that the action proposed by an Advance Notice was actually taken.

Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing April 22, 2011