An individual’s Buy-In of Part A and Part B ends when any of the following takes place:
Coverage ends in the month when the individual dies.
Loss of entitlement to Part A benefits.
When an individual under age 65 loses the entitlement to Part A, Buy-In coverage ends in the last month that the individual is entitled to Part A.
Can no longer be included in a state Buy-In coverage group.
Buy-In coverage ends in the last month for which the individual no longer meets state coverage group requirements.
Move out of the state.
Buy-In coverage ends on the last day of the last month that the individual lived in Pennsylvania.
Termination of benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act for a individual under age 65.
Buy-In coverage ends on the last day of the last month that the individual got Title II RSDI benefits.
The Buy-In system closes Buy-In if the CIS budget is closed or Buy-In is opened and the individual is not opened in CIS.
Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing October 27, 2010