535.6 The Compliance Review Process for Voluntary Job Quit and Reducing Work Effort

When an employed SNAP recipient voluntarily quits or reduces work effort a compliance review is held to determine whether the non-compliance was within the individual’s control (willful) or if an exemption or good cause exists (non-willful)

The CAO has three (3) work days from the date the non-compliance becomes known to contact the individual and discuss the reason for the non-compliance. Attempts to reach the individual by telephone must be narrated in the case record.

If the CAO is able to reach the individual by phone the first day, a compliance review will be conducted to determine whether or not the non-compliance was willful and without good cause.

If the individual cannot be reached by telephone, the caseworker will send a compliance review appointment letter. The compliance review appointment must be scheduled within ten (10) work days of when the non-compliance is known to the CAO.

The compliance review notice must include the following information:

When reviewing an individual’s situation to decide if there is good cause:

If the interview reveals no good cause and it is determined that the non-compliance was willful, the CAO will begin the sanction process by sending an Advance Notice (PA/FS 162A) notifying the individual of the sanction. A SNAP sanction applies only to the individual.

NOTE: An outreach referral is not appropriate for an individual receiving SNAP

If an individual does not respond to the compliance review appointment letter by the 10th work day after the mailing date, the worker will proceed with the sanction by sending an Advance Notice (PA/FS 162A) notifying the individual of the sanction.

535.61 Good Cause

Determine if good cause exists  when:   7 CFR § 273.7(j)


NOTE:  See Chapter 514, Students, to determine if the individual is eligible as a student.

535.62 Sanction Periods and Re-Establishing Eligibility after a Sanction

Minimum sanction periods are:   7 CFR § 273.7(f)

Sanction only the household member who failed to comply.    7 CFR § 273.7(j)

After a sanction for failure to comply, SNAP benefits for the disqualified individual may resume at the end of the minimum sanction period or when the individual who caused the disqualification complies with the requirements whichever is later.

The sanctioned household member has complied if he:

Reissued December 22, 2010,  replacing April 19, 2001