540.1 General Policy

The CAO will consider the value of resources when determining SNAP eligibility for both non-categorically and expanded categorically eligible households.   7 CFR § 273.8(a)    

The CAO will not make a resource determination for categorically eligible households. See Chapter 512.

NOTE:  If the household was determined to be categorically eligible in error (i.e., was considered eligible for Public Assistance (PA) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and was not eligible) or is no longer receiving PA or SSI, the CAO will review the household's resources to determine resource eligibility.

Reminder:   There is no change to SNAP households with all SSI, Cash assistance, or Family Works members.  These households do not have SNAP income or resource tests.  These households meet the resource eligibility requirements for SNAP.

The CAO will identify and evaluate resources available for non-CE households and households over the income limit as of the interview date to determine the sum value of available, countable resources.  7 CFR § 273.10(b)

The CAO will:

The CAO will not  count the resources of any non-household member living with the household such as a student or boarder.  7 CFR § 273.11(d)

A household is ineligible when the total value of its countable resources is greater than the limit for that particular household.   7 CFR § 273.8(b)

 Please see the chart below for a summary of household resource limits:  

Household Type

Income Limit

Resource Limit

Households having an Elderly/Disabled member

200% FPIG

No Limit

No Elderly (age 60 or older)/ Disabled member and no member sanctioned or disqualified

160% FPIG

No Limit

Households with a disqualified or sanctioned member

130% FPIG


Households with a disqualified or sanctioned member and an Elderly/Disabled member

100% FPIG (net test)



Households having an Elderly/Disabled member with income above 200% FPIG

100% FPIG (net test)


*  The change from $3,000 to $3,250 was implemented October 1, 2011 as a result of the Farm Bill of 2008.

NOTE:  This includes households with only one member.



Reissued July 21, 2014 , replacing June 1, 2012