540.6 Transfer of Resources

If a household transfers a resource within three months before the application date or after certification, the CAO will determine if the transfer was made purposely to qualify for SNAP.  7 CFR § 273.8(h)

540.61 Excluded Transfers

The CAO will not count the value of a transferred resource if:

540.62 Transfers Resulting in a Disqualification

The CAO will disqualify a household for transferring a resource if the transfer was made:  7 CFR § 273.8

540.621 Disqualification Period

The CAO will:

The periods of disqualification are:

Amount in Excess of Resource Limit

Period of Denial

$0.01 to $249.99

1 month

$250.00 to $999.99

3 months

$1,000.00 to $2,999.99

6 months

$3,000.00 to $4,999.99

9 months

$5,000.00 or more

12 months

The CAO must begin the disqualification period in the application month, unless the household is already certified when the transfer is discovered.  7 CFR § 273.8

If the household is already certified, the CAO must send an Advance Notice of Adverse Action to close the case. The CAO must start the disqualification period with the first benefit after the notice expires, unless the household requests a fair hearing and continued benefits.

If the household has not been certified, the CAO must send a Notice of Ineligibility showing the period of disqualification.

Reissued June1, 2012, replacing  March 1, 2012