The CAO must base expenses for households in semiannual reporting (SAR) on actual or averaged expenses expected during the certification period. Anticipation of the expenses must be based upon the most recent month's bills, unless the household expects a reported and verified change in expenses. The case narrative must clearly discuss how net income was derived. 7 CFR § 273.9(d)
To determine net monthly income, the CAO must deduct certain expenses from a household’s countable gross monthly income: 7 CFR § 273.10(c) and 7 CFR § 273.10(d)
Every household is entitled to a standard deduction.
Depending on a household’s circumstances and expenses, it may also be entitled to the following deductions:
Earned income deduction
Shelter/utility deduction
Reminder: Only non-reimbursable expenses that are actually incurred by the household are used to determine income deductions. 7 CFR § 273.10(d)(1)
An application will be processed without deductions if verification is not provided within 30 days. When the household provides verification, the CAO must change the benefit amount to reflect the deduction.
Restored benefits are NOT authorized unless the verification was delayed beyond the 30 days due to the CAO failure to allow enough time (10 days) to verify the expense before certification. (See Chapter 581.) 7 CFR § 273.2(f)(3)(ii)
The household must sign an Addendum to Application for Benefits (AAB) at every application and renewal as a condition of eligibility. COMPASS applications contain the addendum language and a paper AAB is required only when the language is not on an approved SNAP application.
Reissued March 1, 2012 , replacing March 13, 2007