When a household reports a change listed in Section 570.2, or when the CAO learns of a change through a “verified upon receipt” source (see Section 570.421), the CAO must verify the change according to the requirements in Chapter 578 and Appendix A of this chapter. 7 CFR § 273.12(c)
Benefit increases or decreases will be made after the household provides verification. The household must provide verification within 10 days of the date of the reported change.
The CAO will send a written request for clarification reminding the household to verify the reported change. The request must include the date when the information must be received by the CAO. 7 CFR § 273.12(c)(3)
Changes resulting in a benefit increase must be verified according to Chapter 578.
All households must verify the change before the CAO increases SNAP benefits. If the household reports the change but does not verify it, the SNAP benefit must remain at the current level. If the household fails to report and verify a change that increases SNAP benefits on time, the CAO must not authorize a corrective payment. 7 CFR § 273.12(c)(1)(iii)
NOTE: A household is not required to verify total medical expenses if they are unchanged or have changed by $25 or less. This applies unless the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent, or outdated.
If a SNAP household fails to verify a deductible expense, SNAP benefits are determined without the deduction. SNAP benefits are continued if the household is eligible without the deduction.
When a household reports and verifies a change that results in a benefit increase, the CAO has 10 days to make the benefit adjustment. However, the CAO will process the change as soon as possible. 7 CFR § 273.12(C)
NOTE: The benefit must be increased no later than the month following the month the household reported and verified the change. If the deadline cannot be met to change the benefits, the CAO will issue a supplementary benefit. 7 CFR § 273.12(C)(1)(ii)
Example: A household reports and verifies a decrease in income at the end of May. It is too late for the CAO to adjust the SNAP benefit for the issuance date of June 1. The CAO must issue a supplementary benefit for June.
Changes resulting in a benefit decrease are subject to the verification requirements in Chapter 578. 7 CFR § 273.12(c)(2)
If a SAR household reports a change in Section 570.21 or any other change not required to be reported, or if a non-SAR household reports a change in Section 570.22 or any other change that will result in a benefit decrease, the CAO will:
Send a Request for Clarification/Verification (contact letter). 7 CFR § 273.12(c)(3)(i)
If the verification is received in a timely manner, reduce or terminate the household’s benefits and send an Advance Notice of Adverse Action.
If the verification is not received, terminate the household’s benefits and send an Advance Notice of Adverse Action.
Exception: If an individual moves out of the household, the CAO does not need to verify the person's absence unless it is questionable. 7 CFR § 273.2(f)(1)(x)
NOTE: If an Extended SNAP household reports a change that would decrease benefits, the CAO will not reduce benefits.
The following sources are considered “verified upon receipt” and do not require additional information before the CAO takes action:
For SAR or non-SAR households, the CAO must take the following actions for those sources considered “verified upon receipt”:
Review eligibility based on the information provided by SAVE.
Review the information provided by IEVS.
Follow the procedures in Section 578.81 for the information provided by IEVS.
Narrate the actions taken in the case record.
NOTE: For SNAP-only or SNAP/Medical Assistance cases, regardless of participation in SAR, the CAO must average the UC benefits or SSI benefits that fluctuate over the SAR or certification period. If a match is received on exchanges #2 and #6 after the fluctuating UC or SSI is averaged and adjusted against the SNAP benefits, the CAO is not required to take action until the next six-month SAR review or renewal.
At the six-month SAR review or renewal, the CAO determines if UC or SSI that was averaged should be changed.
A match on exchanges #2 and #6 indicating new income requires the CAO to adjust this income against the SNAP benefits.
The following sources are considered reliable but require additional information before the CAO takes action:
Exchange #1 (new hires/wages match)
Exchange #4 (earning reference)
Exchange #5 (unearned income)
Exchange #8 (deceased persons match)
Exchange #9 (PARIS)
Exchange #10 (CJIS)
For all IEVS exchanges, the CAO must follow procedures in Chapter 578 and Appendix A of this chapter.
The CAO must average the amount of support being paid by a legally responsible relative (LRR) and adjust that against the SNAP benefits. The average amount of support being paid by the LRR must be reviewed again at the next six-month SAR review or renewal, whichever is first. If the average amount of support has changed, the CAO must adjust the new averaged amount of support for the next SAR or certification period.
An official source is information provided by a state, local, or federal governmental agency, such as the Department of Corrections or County Children and Youth Agencies.
NOTE: When receiving information from an official source, the CAO will follow the same procedure as for changes reported by a household. (See Section 570.42.)
Reissued March 1, 2012 , replacing May 16, 2006