577.2 Notice of Eligibility

The CAO must send each household a completed Notice of Eligibility whenever:   7 CFR § 273.10(g)(1)

The notice must be mailed no later than 30 days after the application date.

577.21 Eligibility Approved

When an application is approved, the notice of eligibility must include the following:   7 CFR § 273.10(g)(1)(i)

The CAO may also include the following in the notice:

577.211 Expedited service

When a household is eligible for expedited service but must give verification to qualify for benefits beyond the first month, the notice must also contain a statement that the CAO will not issue the second month's benefits until verification is provided. If verification is not provided within 60 days after receipt of the application, benefits will end and the household must reapply.

577.212 Limited issuance

If a household is assigned a limited certification period, the CAO must include a Notice of Expiration (PA 10-SFSP) with the eligibility notice. 7 CFR § 273.14(b)

577.22 Eligibility Denied

When an application is denied, the notice must contain the following:   7 CFR § 273.10(g)(1)(ii)

577.221 Failure to complete the application process

If a household is denied benefits because it failed to complete the application process, the CAO must send the denial notice on the 30th day. The 30-day count begins the day after the application is received. The denial notice must have the following information in addition to the information listed above:

The CAO must give the household at least 10 days from the initial request date to provide verification. The 10 days may exceed the 30-day period.

577.222 Refusal to provide required information or verification

If a household is denied benefits because it refused to provide required information or verification, the denial notice must have the following information in addition to the information listed above:

577.23 Eligibility Pending

When an application is held because of a CAO delay, the notice must contain an explanation of the pending status. It must be sent by the 30th day.   7 CFR § 273.10(g)(1)(iii)

When an application is held because of a CAO delay and some action is needed by the household, the notice must contain the following:

See Chapter 504 to determine the difference between CAO delay requiring a pending notice and household delay requiring a denial notice.

577.24 Certification

The CAO must send a notice when a new certification period is set. The CAO must send the eligibility or denial notice by the end of the certification period if the application for certification is filed by the 15th day of the last month of the certification period.   55 Pa. Code § 501.9(j)

The CAO must give a notice of eligibility or denial no later than 30 days after the last benefit to any household that received a PA 10-SFSP at renewal time and reapplied timely.

The CAO must not use the PA 10-SFSP to shorten a household’s current certification period.

Reissued March 1, 2012, replacing October 25, 2008