If possible, the CAO must restore benefits before a household moves out of Pennsylvania.
If a household moved from Pennsylvania but can use the benefits through the Pennsylvania EBT ACCESS card and the Quest national network, the CAO must restore the benefits to the existing EBT account.
If a household cannot return to Pennsylvania to use the benefits, does not live in a Quest state, or is not able to use its Pennsylvania EBT ACCESS card, the CAO must send a letter to the SNAP agency in the new state certifying the household's entitlement to restored benefits.
The letter must state whether the restoration is the result of a fair hearing decision. If so, a copy of the hearing decision must be attached.
A copy of the letter must go to the household.
A copy of the letter must be filed in the case record.
NOTE: See Appendix A of this section for a sample letter.
When a household is entitled to restored benefits but moves without giving a new address, the CAO must keep the information in the case record. The information must be made available upon request from another state agency for up to one year from the month of the move.
Reissued March 1, 2012, replacing September 2, 2005