The Department of Human Services (DHS) may pay for Medical Assistance (MA) Long-Term Care (LTC) services for an individual applying for or receiving payment of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) or services in a LTC facility. An individual may receive payment for LTC services if he is eligible in one of the following programs:
55 Pa. Code § 178.11 55 Pa. Code § 178.12
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Nonmoney Payment (NMP) MA LTC
Medically Needy Only (MNO) MA LTC
The County Assistance Office (CAO) must assign a program category for payments.
NOTE: The following categories are non-medical assistance (MA) categories:
ACX is managed by the Office of Long Term Living (OLTL)
EIX is managed by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)
MHX is managed by the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS)
MRX is managed by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP)
These categories are entered into eCIS by the appropriate program for billing purposed only. individuals enrolled in these categories do not have medical assistance benefits. CAO staff is not able to update these cases.
Individuals may apply for and receive Cash, SNAP, or MA benefits if the individual is non-financially and financially eligible. If an individual is found eligible for Cash, SNAP, or MA, the benefits must be authorized in a new e-CIS case record number.
Updated April 12, 2013 , Replacing March 12, 2012