468.5 Determining Retroactive Eligibility

The CAO must determine MA LTC facility services eligibility based on the date of application. An LTC facility resident may be eligible for retroactive MA to cover the cost of medical services incurred while residing in the community or in the LTC facility.        

The retroactive period begins the first day of the third calendar month before the application date and ends the day before the application date.

   55 Pa. Code ยง 181.12


The CAO will use the application date to decide when an individual qualifies for MA LTC.  The date of application is either:


NOTE:  The MA provider must submit the COMPASS application within four calendar months of the date of the first treatment or admission.

If the applicant has unpaid medical expenses incurred during the retroactive period but before admission to the LTC facility, the CAO will determine eligibility for MA as it would for an applicant in the community.  The individual does not need to complete a separate Application for Benefits when requesting MA for the retroactive period. The CAO must use the regulations found in the Medical Assistance Handbook to determine retroactive MA eligibility.


NOTE: For NMP, the CAO will not apply the special NMP income limit to determine eligibility for medical services received while the individual was residing in the community.


If the applicant is applying for a MA LTC facility payment for LTC facility services incurred prior to the date of application, the CAO will determine NMP or MNO MA LTC eligibility beginning on the most recent of the following dates:    


Example: Mr. A is admitted to an LTC facility on March 10. He submits an application on July 10. The LTC facility says he needs payment on April 1. If otherwise eligible, Mr. A can be authorized for MA LTC effective April 1, as this is the most recent of the above three choices.


Updated March 12, 2012, Replacing December 2, 2005