477.5 Undue Hardship Notices

The CAO will notify the individual and all applicable parties listed in Chapter 477.1 when there is a denial or termination of payment of LTC services resulting from the transfer of an asset for less than FMV or if the individual has equity interest in the home that exceeds the limit found in Chapter 440_422, Excess Home Equity.

When the CAO enters the asset transfer or excess home equity in the system, the system will automatically generate:

When a penalty period is established in the system the CAO must manually send:

After receiving a completed Application for Undue Hardship Waiver or Application for Undue Hardship Waiver-Excess Home Equity, the CAO will submit the Application with a completed Undue Hardship Decision Form (PA 1855) to the Bureau of Policy (BOP).

Once a decision is received from BOP, the CAO has five calendar days to notify all involved parties of this decision.  Until automated notices are available, the CAO will send a manual notice of the decision using the appropriate text and citations found in Appendices A, B and C of this chapter.

55 Pa. Code ยง 178.104(b)  





Issued May 1, 2012