505.8 Restrictions

A person who is disqualified from participating in SNAP because of an intentional program violation may act as an AR during the disqualification period only if there is no other adult in the household and the CAO cannot arrange for another AR.    7 CFR § 273.2(n)(4)(i)  

A person classified as a nonhousehold member may be an AR for the household only if the person is an adult who knows enough about the relevant household circumstances and the AR request was made in writing by the head of household, the spouse of the head of household, or another responsible member of the household.   7 CFR § 273.2(n)(1)(i)

A retailer authorized to accept SNAP benefits or a CAO employee involved in certifying or issuing benefits may act as an AR only if the executive director (or his or her designee) gives written approval and determines that no one else is available to serve as an AR.

NOTE:  A provider of meals for the homeless may not act as an AR for a homeless SNAP recipient.   7 CFR § 273.2(n)(4)(i)(D)

Reissued March 1, 2012, replacing May 15, 2008