Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) household members who are participating in any of the allowable SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) activities may be eligible to receive Special Allowances (SPAL)s for supportive services. A SPAL is authorized to enable participation in the activity. Consideration should always be given for the least costly, most practical item or service to meet the need. See Desk Guide for Special Allowances for Supportive Services.
7 CF273.7(d)
OPS 120501 Changes Related to Special Allowances for Supportive Services (SPAL)
Eligibility for SPALs for supportive services is not connected to the number of participation hours or a specific number of attendance days. Instead, eligibility for a SPAL is based on whether or not it is needed and required to support an allowable activity
EXCEPTIONS: SNAP recipients are not eligible to receive SPALs to maintain employment or for meals. Also, expedited SNAP household members are not eligible to receive special allowances until eligibility for ongoing SNAP benefits is determined.
When discussing participation in SNAP E&T activities with an individual, the CAO will issue special allowances for supportive services only when:
The allowance is required to support participation;
The individual does not already have the requested item;
Circumstances have changed that have made it necessary for the individual to request an allowance for the same item or service that was received in the recent past;
The item or service is not available from another source or at no cost to the individual;
All other options have been exhausted;
Participation is not possible without the allowance.
The CAO must narrate the information yielded by this discussion and the outcome in the case record.
The Special Allowance Verification Form, PA 1883, is used to confirm that the item or service requested is needed and required to enable participation in SNAP E&T activities. This form is also used to discuss the availability of an individual’s existing supports and to determine what supportive services are required to enable employment, participation in education, training or an activity noted on the Agreement of Mutual Responsibility, AMR or Employment Development Plan, EDP. Consideration is given to whether participation would not be possible without the item or service requested; and whether the item or service is provided by the employer, activity, school or training provider.
Consideration should always be given for the least costly, most practical item or service to meet the need.
The CAO will confirm the need for the allowance by using the Special Allowance Verification Form (PA 1883) in one of several ways:
Review the documentation provided by the individual that confirms the need for the requested item or service, complete the SPAL Verification Form and attach a copy of the reviewed information;
If the individual is participating in a CAO monitored self-directed job search for SNAP Employment and Training, the CAO will complete the SPAL Verification Form based on the individual’s demonstration that the item is required for the job search activity. or
Have collateral contact to confirm that the item or service is needed and complete the SPAL Verification Form. In order to protect the confidentiality of the individual and to avoid disruption of the employer/employee relationship, the CAO will avoid contacting employers for verification of need.
Provide the individual with the form which can be completed by an education or training provider to confirm the need for the allowance;
Offer a Business Reply Envelope for returning the SPAL Verification Form.
The form may be faxed to the CAO. Also, advise the individual of the time frame for returning the SPAL Verification Form, or
Have the E&T provider confirm that the item/service requested is required to enable participation in the activity by completing the SPAL Verification Form. The form will be transmitted to the CAO as part of the request and will be used by the CAO to help determine eligibility.
If the SPAL Verification Form:
Is not returned to the CAO; or
Indicates that the requested item or service is not needed /required; or
The individual is ineligible for any other reason
Then the CAO will:
Deny the request within required time-frames for issuing a SPAL.
Send a 162 notice of ineligibility.
Narrate why the request was denied, the time-frames, and that a notice was sent.
The CAO will request an estimated cost of the required items. The estimate may be hand-written by the individual, produced by the retailer, or can be obtained online.
The CAO may:
Research and develop a list with a range of prices for commonly requested items at stores in the area.
Negotiate cost with local retailers for common items and advise individuals of the availability of these items.
NOTE: The CAO may not direct individuals to make their purchases at a particular store, but if the individual chooses to purchase the item(s) at a store that charges more, it will be the individual’s responsibility to pay the difference.
An exception may be granted if the individual lives in a rural area where prices may be inflated, but the cost of traveling to stores with lower costs would be unreasonable. CAOs should use their best judgment to ensure that individuals are able to receive the item(s) that are required to participate in employment and training activities
Estimates are not required for SPALs for mileage. The CAO will use a website that provides mileage to a given location and the return trip. The mileage rate for participation in E&T activities is 20¢ per mile. The petty cash disbursement for special transportation needs is 12¢ per mile. Narrate the calculation used to determine the SPAL amount.
NOTE: Transportation to medical appointments is not ETP-related and has a different mileage rate. Transportation to medical appointments is 12¢ per mile and is issued with reason code 200.
The individual must provide verification of car ownership prior to the issuance of a mileage SPAL. If verification already exists in the record, the individual does not have to re-verify.
If the individual is using a car they do not own to participate, the CAO will require a letter from the owner of the car stating the individual has permission to use the car to participate in the SNAP E&T activity.
The individual can request a SPAL of 20¢ per mile to pay a volunteer driver to offset the driver’s fuel cost and wear on the car when being transported to program activities.
An original receipt verifies the item/service was purchased with the SPAL and the SPAL was used for its intended purpose. The original receipt must be provided by the individual within 14 days of receiving the benefit.
It is important to stress to the individual that he or she write his or her name or case record number on the receipt so it can be identified.
The CAO will provide a Business Reply Envelope to the individual in which to return the receipt.
Receipts should be date stamped when received by the CAO.
Restricted Endorsement Checks that have been cashed will not be considered a receipt. A receipt showing the purchase/repair must be provided by the individual.
If the individual must retain the original receipt for warranty purposes, it is acceptable for the CAO to make a copy to keep in the case record.
When the CAO issues an allowance for a monthly pass for public transportation, and a receipt is not available through the transportation provider, individuals can provide the CAO with a copy of the pass as documentation of how the special allowance was used.
In instances where the individual has an OTI for a single bus ride and receipts are not provided by the bus driver, the CAO can confirm through collateral contact, transit authority websites or other publications the amount for daily fares and narrate this information in lieu of a receipt.
Receipts are not required for a mileage SPAL; however, the CAO should confirm that the individual is still participating in the allowable activity before authorizing ongoing SPALs.
Indicate on the EDP, PA 1531, that an overpayment will be filed if:
A receipt is not provided within 14 days.
The amount issued was $10 or more than the amount reflected as spent on the receipt.
The allowance is not used for its intended purpose.
NOTE: When the individual does not attend the activity (zero attendance hours) then the allowance has not been used for its intended purpose and an overpayment should be processed
The CAO must set an alert for the date that the verification must be returned and ensure that it is provided. Narrate that the individual was advised of the receipt verification policy.
If the individual provides the receipt at any time, the CAO should end the overpayment. If the reimbursement process has already begun, repayment will be stopped.
See Supplemental Handbook Section 910.2, When Does An Overpayment Exist.
Method of Issuance
SNAP special allowances related to employment and training activities are processed as One-Time Issuances (OTI)s. See Cash Assistance Handbook Section 180.4, The One-Time Issuance.
Special allowances for supportive services will be paid by the CAO in advance of the date that payment is required by the provider to enable the individual to participate in SNAP E&T activities.
Most SPALs are issued via Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT); however, car purchase/repair must be issued by restricted endorsement through local CAO-issued check.
Ongoing SPALs can only be authorized for a one month period and must be reviewed before each authorization to ensure that:
The recipient remains eligible; and
The individual is participating in an approved, allowable activity.
For ongoing allowances, like mileage or bus passes, the CAO will complete the SPAL Verification Form initially and then review these points with the individual periodically or when circumstances change (like a change in activity, or if the client moves).
NOTE: SPALs issued by E&T contractors supplement CAO authorized SPALs. Contractors are also able to provide some supportive services that CAOs do not offer. See Child Care and Supportive Services Section in the Master Guidelines (page 247).
After the SPAL Verification Form, PA 1883, is completed, the CAO will take the following steps before the SPAL can be authorized.
Review all other forms of available transportation to determine the least costly, most practical transportation available
Request that the individual obtain and provide the following information:
A valid PA drivers license;
Proof of current car insurance or a viable plan to obtain and pay for car insurance;
NOTE: Validation of car insurance is made by The Department of Transportation (PennDOT) who requires proof of car insurance for individuals who Buy a Car in Pennsylvania.
Verification that the car has a current inspection sticker or can pass inspection without additional repairs;
A viable plan to pay the remaining balance if the cost of the purchase is greater than the maximum allowance;
Proof of the insurance claim information if the individual states that the previous car was in an accident;
Verification that her/his name has been removed from the title on previous car(s) if she/he has received a SPAL for a car purchase in the past.
NOTE: The E&T participant requesting the car purchase must become the registered owner of the car being purchased.
The E&T participant can request a SPAL of 20¢ per mile to pay a volunteer driver to offset the driver’s fuel cost and wear on the car when being transported to program activities. The SPAL must be issued to the participant via EBT. The participant is then responsible to pay the volunteer driver.
Transportation to medical appointments is 12¢ per mile. (use reason code 200) See Cash Assistance Handbook, section 138.311. Personal Auto Costs.
The CAO may approve a SPAL for a car repair for a volunteer driver who is part of the SNAP household.
The CAO may not approve a SPAL for a car repair for a volunteer driver who is not part of the SNAP household. The volunteer driver who is not part of the household assumes the maintenance of the car and, as the owner, is responsible for the cost of repairs, inspections, insurance and operator’s fees so a SPAL should not be issued.
The CAO may not approve a car purchase for a volunteer driver.
ESA-17263-135 SPALs Beyond 12 Months Voc-Ed Time (linked August 7, 2014)
Individuals who request a SPAL from the CAO may be eligible to receive the following items and services : 55 Pa Code § 165.46
Reason Code 250-- Moving cost to relocate and accept gainful permanent employment 55 Pa Code § 165.46(c)(5)
Can be received once per 12 month period
The amount is limited to the actual cost of the item/service up to $200 maximum.
The 12 month period begins at the authorization date
Includes licensed moving company, rental, labor and other necessary costs
Individual must provide written verification of a bona-fide offer of employment and the move is necessary to accept the employment.
Pre-expenditure approval at management level is required
--Transportation to apply for or to accept employment and to apply for or attend education and training 55 Pa Code § 165.46(c)(1)(2)
Provided for transportation to apply for or accept employment up until the date of the first pay.
May be issued as required for education and training.
The amount is limited to the actual cost up to $500 maximum per month.
Includes but is not limited to completing a written application, test taking, interviewing, etc.
Not provided if the activity is secondary education or equivalent level of vocational or technical training unless the individual is pregnant or a custodial parent.
Includes private automobile, car or van pool, public transit, taxi and Para-transit.
No limit on the number of trips.
Limited to actual mileage not to exceed 20¢ per mile for personal auto, volunteer driver. The amount is limited to the actual cost up to $500 maximum per month. If transportation is provided by a car pool or van pool, the individual receives a proportionate share of the cost up to the maximum monthly amount.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval is not required but verification must be provided within 30 days of the date service was received and the cost incurred.
--Rail or air transportation to apply for or to accept employment, or to attend education or training.
Restricted to initial interview or temporary relocation at long-distance training site.
Limited to actual cost at the lowest available rate.
Only when other forms of transportation are not available, more costly or impractical.
Written verification of the requirement and cost is necessary
Non-recurring only,
Pre-expenditure approval at management level is required.
Example: Mr. A conducts a job search. During the job search, Mr. A is offered an interview and is offered employment. Mr. A’s first day of employment is June 1 and he will receive his first paycheck on June 15. Mr. A requests a special allowance to purchase a public transit pass to get to his new job. Mr. A is eligible to receive a special allowance for the actual cost of the transit pass for the period from June 1 to June 15.
Reason Code 254--Lodging to apply for employment, an approved education or training activity or to attend training 55 Pa Code § 165.46(c)(6)
Limited to once for each application or employment interview.
May be authorized as needed for approved education or training requirements.
Limited to actual minimum costs, not exceeding the maximum rates in Cash Assistance Handbook, Chapter 138, Appendix A unless lodging cannot be located within the maximum rate or the individual is required to stay at a specific hotel or motel.
A complete explanation of lodging costs that are in excess of the maximum allowable rate must be documented in the case record and in the CIS narrative.
Reason Code 256--Clothing to accept employment or to enter an approved education or training activity or specialized clothing verified as needed for work or to participate in an approved education or training activity. 55 Pa Code § 165.46(d)(1)
NOTE: A referral to the local PA WORKWEAR provider is the 1st resource for clothing.
Once per job or as required for approved education or training activities.
Limited to the actual minimum cost up to $150 per occurrence.
For specific clothing and grooming items and services to support a dress code requirement such as safety clothing and shoes and uniforms or business attire required by an employer or an education or training provider in non-PA WORKWEAR areas or when PA WORKWEAR cannot provide the required item.
Verification is required from the employer or education or training provider that the items are required
If the individual already has the clothing items being requested he or she is not eligible to receive the allowance.
A written estimate of the requested items must be provided by the individual at the time of request.
NOTE: commonly requested items with costs known to the CAO do not require a written estimate; however the narrative must explain the item or service costs have been determined by the CAO to be the least costly available.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval at management level is required.
Reason Code 257--Equipment or tools for employment, education or training 55 Pa Code § 165.46(d)(2)
Once per job or as required for education or training activities.
Limited to actual minimum cost up to $2000 per occurrence
Employer or training provider must verify that the tools and/or equipment are needed for employment or to participate in the approved activity.
Payment for equipment and tools must not be available from the employer or training provider, federal, state or other educational grants or public sources.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval at management level is required.
Example: Mr. C begins employment with a catering service after conducting a job search. The catering service requires its employees to obtain their own restaurant-grade knives and serving utensils. Mr. C requests a special allowance for equipment and tools to purchase the knives and utensils. Mr. C verifies the requirement and is eligible to receive up to $2000 for the actual cost of the required knives and utensils to begin employment.
Reason Code 258--Test fees/Professional fees. 55 Pa Code § 165.46(d)(4)
May be authorized once per job or as required for education or training activities.
Limited to $250 per occurrence.
Tuition is not a fee.
Includes GED, State licensing exams or a test that is a prerequisite to enter an approved training activity or to obtain employment.
For employment, payment of test fee must be required to accept a bona fide offer of employment.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval at management level is required.
--Union dues or professional fees for employment. 55 Pa Code § 165.46(d)(5)
May be authorized once per job limited to the initial fee and/or for the period up to the date of the first paycheck.
Limited to $250 per occurrence.
Payment of the fee must be required to accept a bona fide offer of employment.
Includes fees for assessing qualification requirements, bonding, certification, licensure and occupational insurance.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval at management level is required.
--Registration or enrollment fee for a training course.
As required to enter an approved education or training course
Limited to actual minimum cost up to $250 per occurrence.
Must verify acceptance into the training program or that acceptance is contingent upon payment of the required fee.
May include liability insurance cost such as malpractice insurance if required for participation.
Tuition is not a fee.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval at management level is required.
Reason Code 260-- Motor vehicle operator fees. 55 Pa Code § 165.46(c)(4)
Once per job or as required for education and training.
Limited to minimum actual cost up to $200 per occurrence.
Includes driver’s permit, license, vehicle registration and plates, state inspection and emission inspection.
The item or fee is required for legal operation of the motor vehicle.
Operation of the vehicle must be required to accept a bona fide employment offer, participate in an ETP plan activity, or transport a child to day care while participating in an ETP plan activity.
Need and cost must be verified.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval at management level is required.
Reason Code 261-- Motor vehicle down payment or purchase see section 535.41 for motor vehicle purchase requirements. 55 Pa Code § 165.46(c)(3)
Once per job or as required for education or training.
Limited to actual minimum cost up to $750 per occurrence.
May include sales tax, or may be used as a down payment toward the actual cost of the vehicle.
When used as a down payment, the individual must verify a plan to pay the difference between the down payment and actual purchase price, including sales tax.
Vehicle must be required to accept a bona fide employment offer, participate in an ETP plan activity or transport a child to day care while participating in an ETP plan activity.
Other types of transportation must be evaluated in comparison to a motor vehicle down payment or purchase to determine the most practical and least costly type of transportation available to the meet the individual’s employment, education or training need.
The allowance may be issued only if other less costly types of transportation are not available and practical.
May not be combined with motor vehicle repair allowance at time of authorization or purchase.
Verification of participation in the ETP plan is required.
Important: Verification must be provided that the vehicle is in safe operating condition at time of authorization and purchase, including valid inspections, or can be expected to pass inspection without repair.
Motor vehicle allowance authorizations for the same vehicle issued from both the CASH and SNAP budgets are prohibited.
Payment for motor vehicle down payment or purchase must be issued via the restricted endorsement check process.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval by management level is required
Example: Ms. D is referred to EARN to participate in the initial activity triage while engaged with the contractor. Ms. D lives in a rural area that does not have an organized public transit system and a van service is not available. Ms. D must transport her child to the day care provider before attending the training. Ms. D requests a special allowance to purchase a vehicle to participate in a job search activity and to transport her child to day care. If the contractor determines that Ms. D is “job ready” the CAO will provide Ms. D with the verification requirements, and the EARN provider verifies Ms. D’s enrollment and need for the vehicle. Ms. D selects a vehicle and provides verification from an independent mechanic of its condition. The EARN contractor supplements the maximum CAO allowance and Ms. D purchases the vehicle.
NOTE: When an individual requests a second motor vehicle purchase/down payment allowance within 12 months of receiving authorization and payment of a motor vehicle purchase/down payment, the Executive Director or an appointed designee must review the request. The Executive Director or appointed designee must account for the following considerations when approving or denying a subsequent motor vehicle purchase/down payment allowance within 12 months:
Reason for a motor vehicle purchase/down payment within 12 months subsequent to an initial authorization;
Verification submitted by the individual or obtained by the CAO indicating the individual’s participation in an activity approved on the EDP plan that necessitates a motor vehicle purchase;
Documentation of other transportation options that may be available, but are more costly or impractical, or documentation that other transportation options are not available;
Verification of the condition of the vehicle, a copy of the vehicle’s current registration or proof of ownership which may include a copy of the title, the individual’s driver’s license, the individual’s plan to obtain insurance, the vehicle’s inspection status and a bill of sale or statement from the seller indicating the terms of the sale; and
If the total cost of the vehicle including sales tax is greater than $750, verification of the individual’s plan to pay any remaining balance.
Reason Code 262--Motor vehicle repair. 55 Pa Code § 165.46(c)(3)
Limited to actual minimum cost up to $400 per occurrence.
Once per job or as required for education and training.
Required repairs include those needed to pass state safety or emissions inspection or to return the vehicle to safe or legal operating condition. An automobile mechanic authorized to perform Pennsylvania state inspection will indicate by written estimate if the repair is necessary to pass state inspection. Requirements to pass the Pennsylvania state automobile safety inspection are on the internet at: Documentation of verification received from the mechanic shall be maintained with the case record.
Routine and general maintenance items and service including fluid inspection and replacement, filters and lube are not repairs required to pass inspection or return the vehicle to safe or legal operating condition unless mechanically required to complete the necessary repair.
Vehicle must be required to accept a bona fide employment offer that resulted from participation in an approved ETP plan activity, participate in an ETP plan activity or transport a child to day care while participating in an ETP plan activity.
Other types of transportation must be evaluated in comparison to a motor vehicle down payment or purchase to determine the most practical and least costly type of transportation available to the meet the individual’s employment, education or training need
Non-recurring only.
May not be combined with motor vehicle purchase or down payment allowance at time of authorization for repair.
Payment for motor vehicle repair must be issued via the restricted endorsement check process.
Pre-expenditure approval by management level is required.
Reason Code 276 --Incapacitated adult dependent care required for ETP participation. 55 Pa Code § 165.46(b)
Authorized as required for education, training, job application or interview
Limited to actual non-medical care costs up to the maximum rates established for infant child care in Cash Assistance Handbook, Chapter 183, Appendix A.
Verification of the incapacity and need for care is required.
Payment for providing care is not made to the spouse of the incapacitated person, essential persons or other members of the recipient’s or incapacitated person’s budget group.
Treated as income deduction if employed.
Individuals earning wages in an ETP approved work experience activity may receive payment for the difference between the deduction for care of an incapacitated adult and the actual non-medical cost.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval is not required if the care is for a job interview and the individual is unable to contact the worker prior to the interview. Verification is required within 30 days of the date the cost was incurred.
NOTE: See Cash Assistance Handbook, Chapter 183, Child Care, for eligibility requirements for supportive service payments for child care costs.
Reason Code 278--Books and supplies for an approved education or training activity. 55 Pa Code § 165.46(d)(3)
As required to enroll or participate in education and training.
Limited to actual minimum cost up to $500 per occurrence.
Must verify items are required for enrollment or participation. An itemized estimate of costs is required.
A class schedule must be provided to verify the need for the requested books.
Direct payment for books and supplies must not be available from federal, state or other educational grants or public sources.
Non-recurring only.
Pre-expenditure approval at management level is required.
Individuals receiving SNAP benefits who are not already engaged in one of the allowable activities and who request a SPAL for a car purchase or repair will be referred to an EARN contractor. The individual will be required to take part in the program’s activity triage to determine “job readiness” before enrollment into the job search or any other allowable SNAP activity can occur.
Individuals should be informed by the CAO that a job search activity is not necessarily the first activity that will be offered to them by the EARN contractor. At the E&T contractor, the individual will take part in the program’s activity triage. The individual must first exhibit “work ready” behavior that includes, showing up as scheduled, being on time, the ability to get along with others, and the ability to follow directions before they are considered ready for a job search activity.
An individual is eligible for up to 60 days of job search activity once in a 12 month period. If an individual finds employment or stops participating anytime within the 60 days, the job search activity is closed and the individual is not eligible for the 60 day job search again until the12 month period has passed. The 60 day job search activity is not to exceed a maximum of 60 days.
The CAO should review historical CQIETP screens to determine if the individual participated in a 60 day job search AC 46- contractor directed or 48- CAO directed within the previous 12 month period and inform individuals who are not eligible to conduct a 60 day job search that they may participate in any of the other allowable SNAP activities. If the individual already participated in the SNAP job search activity within the previous 12 months, the EDP should include the date when the individual is eligible to participate in the job search activity again. Upon receipt of the EDP, the E&T contractor will enroll the individual in another appropriate activity and enter the activity code into CWDS.
A SPAL for public or private transportation to enable the individual to participate at the EARN may be authorized.
NOTE: Unemployed individuals receiving SNAP benefits who request a car purchase or repair are not permitted to conduct a CAO self-directed 60 day job search.
Exception: When EARN contractors can no longer accept SNAP only recipients because they have reached their 5% limit, CAOs will not refer individuals to EARN. Instead CAOs will create a waiting list of SNAP-only recipients who maintain an interest in eventually being referred to EARN. Unemployed SNAP-only recipients who are not participating and request a car purchase or repair stay with the CAO and may volunteer to participate in any allowable SNAP employment and training activity. In this situation the self-directed job search can be considered an option as an allowable activity for the SNAP-only unemployed client.
Unemployed individuals receiving SNAP benefits who:
Request a special allowance for something other than a car purchase/repair may volunteer for an allowable SNAP activity and are not required to be referred to an EARN contractor.
Are participating in an allowable self-initiated SNAP activity are not required to be referred to an E&T contractor.
Individuals receiving SNAP benefits stay with the CAO and may volunteer to participate in any of the allowable activities. The CAO will track the activity, determine eligibility for the supportive service and authorize a SPAL, if needed and required for participation in the activity. Employment is not an allowable activity. SPALs may not be issued to maintain employment.
Employed individuals receiving SNAP benefits are permitted to conduct a CAO self-directed 60 day job search, if the individual has not participated in a job search activity with the CAO or contracted provider within the last 12 months.
An individual is eligible for up to 60 days of job search activity once in a 12 month period. If an individual finds employment or stops participating anytime within the 60 days, the job search activity is closed and the individual is not eligible for the 60 day job search again until the12 month period has passed. The 60 day job search activity may not exceed a maximum of 60 days.
Revised August 9, 2016 , Replacing October 10, 2013