552.3 Computing Average Monthly Profit

Profit from self-employment is averaged over the period it is intended to cover, in order to determine total monthly profit, even if the household has other sources of income.   7 CFR § 273.11(a)(1)(i)

Example: A farmer’s total yearly income is $12,000. The farmer receives the income over a four-month period. Since the $12,000 is the total yearly income, the average monthly self-employment income is $1,000.

Example: A self-employed vendor supplements their yearly income by selling refreshments at flea markets during June, July, and August. The vendor usually has a total of $900 self-employment income for the season. The CAO anticipates monthly self-employment income to be $300 for each of the three months.



Reissued March 1, 2012, replacing July 13, 2004