For homeowners or renters with terminated service, follow the steps below:
Determine if the household is responsible to pay for their main source of heat. Homeowners and renters whose utility service has been terminated remain responsible for heating the residence
Ensure the household has an account at the current address
The account can be inactive or temporary
The account can be for a primary or secondary heat source, depending on where the applicant is requesting payment be sent
Authorize LIHEAP Cash if other conditions of eligibility are met
LIHEAP Crisis:
Ensure the Crisis, alone or combined with other resources, will establish service
Ensure the household has an account at the current address
The account can be inactive or temporary
The account can be for a primary or secondary heat source, depending on where the applicant is requesting payment be sent
Crisis can be used to cover a reconnection fee to restore service
Regulated utilities must agree to keep service on through the moratorium period and enroll the client in a CAP or budget program if the customer is eligible
If the Cash and Crisis applications are processed on the same day, during the regular Crisis season, the vendor has the option of using the Crisis funding first to resolve the emergency
Authorize LIHEAP Crisis if the total amount will establish service and other conditions of eligibility are met
619.71 Balance From a Previous Address
If the household owes a balance from a previous address, LIHEAP funds can be used to pay for up to 50% of a back balance from that address if it will establish service at the new address.
If a LIHEAP Cash grant exceeds 50% of the customer's back balance, the utility must apply the remainder of the Cash grant to the household's future bills.
Reissued March 30, 2018, replacing March 28, 2017