622.1 Citizen/Noncitizen

622.11 General Policy

United States citizens and qualified noncitizens may qualify for LIHEAP if they meet all other eligibility conditions.

55 Pa. Code § 601.31; LIHEAP State Plan § 601.31 and 601.109

622.12 Verification

PLA 18198-622

A person’s statement that he or she is a citizen is enough to go on. If code 1, “U.S. Citizen,” is recorded by the applicant for household members on the LIHEAP application, no further documentation is needed unless the CAO believes the information is inconsistent with known facts. Additional verification must then be provided to prove citizenship.

Applicants must provide United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documentation of noncitizen status of each noncitizen who lives in the household. See Appendix A for acceptable documentation.

Reissued July 1, 2016, replacing February 8, 2013