622.2 Noncitizen Eligibility

622.21 Who Is Eligible

Qualified noncitizens, regardless of when they entered the United States, may qualify for LIHEAP benefits if they meet other eligibility requirements. A qualified noncitizen is a person who is any of the following:

LIHEAP State Plan § 601.31(4)

See Appendix A for acceptable documentation of noncitizen status.

622.22 Who Is Ineligible

Noncitizens who do not meet the above criteria are ineligible for LIHEAP. They are not counted when determining household size, but their income is counted when determining household income.

LIHEAP State Plan § 601.31(4)

Citizenship status codes 03 and 05 identify household members who are ineligible for benefits. When LIHEAP e-CIS determines household benefits, it will not count household members who have a citizenship code of 03 or 05.

NOTE: A noncitizen household member who does not qualify for benefits can be the payment name for the household.

622.23 Citizen/Noncitizen Status Codes

The following codes should be used to document alien status for household members:

LIHEAP State Plan § 601.31(4)

Reissued July 1, 2016, replacing February 8, 2013