623.1 General Policy

The LIHEAP State Plan defines a resident as a person whose permanent home is in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and who lives here voluntarily and not temporarily for a reason such as vacation, a visit or education. A residence is defined as the dwelling where the household is actually living.

55 Pa. Code § 601.3; LIHEAP State Plan § 601.3

623.11 Proof of Residence

To qualify for LIHEAP benefits in situations where the household is not living at its actual residence, the household must provide documentation of the emergency or situation beyond the household’s control that requires that the household live elsewhere. Appropriate documentation may include some type of written or printed information such as a doctor’s statement or a letter from the Board of Health, explaining why the household is not living at its residence.

LIHEAP State Plan § 601.105

NOTE: A household member whose permanent residence is in the LIHEAP household but is temporarily living somewhere else, can still be included in the LIHEAP household as long as they have not permanently moved out of the household. Verification will be needed as to why they are living elsewhere and when they are expected to return to the household. Examples include: Children and Youth Services placement and admittance in a medical facility.

NOTE: Upon request, the CAO must help the applicant get proof of residence.

623.12 Temporary Resident in Pennsylvania

Temporary residents are ineligible for LIHEAP assistance. Temporary residents are defined as:

LIHEAP State Plan § 601.31 (2)(ii)

623.13 Campers and RVs

Applicants who live in campers or RVs may qualify for LIHEAP if the camper or RV is permanently located in Pennsylvania.

LIHEAP State Plan § 601.31 (2)(iii)

The CAO should request the following items to determine eligibility for the household:

623.14 Licensed Business in a Residence

Individuals operating a licensed business out of the LIHEAP household's residence will be ineligible for LIHEAP if they are:


623.15 Household Members Not Living in the Home

Applicant households must permanently live in Pennsylvania. In situations where the household is not living in its permanent home, the household must provide proof of the emergency or situation beyond the household’s control that forces the household to live somewhere else. Examples of proof could include a doctor’s note or a letter from the board of health saying why the household is not living in its permanent home.   

  55 Pa. Code § 601.106; LIHEAP State Plan § 601.105

Reissued January 22,2018, replacing August 24, 2017