When DHS approves an application, it must send the applicant a notice with the following information:
55 PA. Code § 601.22; LIHEAP State Plan § 601.22
The name of the applicant.
The name of the vendor.
The amount of the benefit.
The household’s reported income.
The yearly amount of reported income compared with the LIHEAP income limit based on household size.
A detailed explanation of the right to an appeal, how to ask for a hearing, how to prepare for a hearing and what happens at a hearing, and a fair hearing request form.
Information on the Lifeline or Lifeline 135 program, which can lower telephone costs for one line.
NOTE: For information on Lifeline, go to Federal Communications Commission Lifeline Link-up (http://www.lifeline.gov).
Eligible notices for the cash program include the following text:
For benefits payable to utilities and deliverable fuel companies:
“You qualify for LIHEAP Cash Benefit: $______ will be sent to [vendor name]. This is a one-time only payment for the [program year] heating season.”
For benefits payable directly to LIHEAP applicants:
“You qualify for LIHEAP Cash Benefit: $______ will be sent to YOU. This is a one-time only payment for the [program year] heating season.”
Eligible notices for the crisis program have the following text:
For benefits payable to utilities and deliverable fuel companies:
“You qualify for 2016-2017 Crisis energy assistance. On [mm/dd/yy] we approved $_____ to resolve your crisis. Your energy provider is [name of utility or deliverable company] for this benefit.”
For benefits payable directly to LIHEAP applicants:
“You qualify for 2016-2017 Crisis energy assistance. On [mm/dd/yy] we approved $_____ to resolve your crisis. The payment for this benefit was sent to YOU. Please be aware that this money is to help you with your home heating cost and should be used to pay your heating bills.”
Approval notices are generated on the weekend after the LIHEAP system processes the payments.
Reissued July 1, 2016, replacing February 15, 2013