A person who is eligible for cash assistance may also need to be identified for federal funding, reporting, or general purposes. The CAO must use specific program status codes to identify recipients who have special characteristics.
The CAO must use program status code 00 to identify a budget if no other specific program status code applies. When a program status code other than 00 is to be used for a specific program, the instructions for the program must include the program status code to use.
The CAO must establish a separate grant group when using a program status code. All recipients who share the characteristic identified by the program status code are included in the same grant group. Recipients who do not share the characteristic must be in a separate grant group within the budget group.
If a case record contains multiple grant groups within the budget group, the grant group is identified by a grant group number, such as C and C2. See Appendix A.
A program status code may be assigned when a grant group is opened. A program status code may be added, changed, or deleted at any time.
Reissued August 16, 2013, replacing January 31, 2012