120.1 General Policy

To be eligible, applicants must provide proof of identity.       55 Pa. Code § 125.1(b)

The person must also provide proof of identity at the time of renewal if the interviewer does not know him or her.     55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)   

TANF applicants and recipients who are applying for or receiving TANF cash and TANF-related Medical Assistance will be asked to provide acceptable proof of identity for themselves and others in the TANF budget group at application or at renewal, if not provided before. 

NOTE: The Medical Assistance requirements for acceptable proof of identity do not apply to persons who are only applying for or receiving TANF Cash Assistance.

TANF applicants or recipients may not be denied or closed for failure to provide proof of identity that meets Medical Assistance requirements as addressed in the Medical Assistance Eligibility Handbook, Section 320.2, Verification.

The identity of every person must be verified for the enumeration process. See Supplemental Handbook, Chapter 950, Enumeration.    




Reviewed July 30, 2013