122.1 General Policy

United States citizens, qualified noncitizens and noncitizens who are Permanent Residents Under Color of Law (PRUCOL) are eligible for Cash Assistance if they meet all other eligibility conditions.    

55 Pa. Code § 149.23

The CAO must review each applicant’s citizenship or alien status. See the noncitizen status chart in Appendix A. For information about refugees, see Supplemental Handbook, Chapter 730.

A person who is not a citizen, qualified noncitizen, or PRUCOL is not eligible for TANF. These ineligible noncitizens may be present lawfully but temporarily, or unlawfully. Ineligible noncitizens do not have to show or declare an immigration status when applying for other eligible household members. They need only declare that they do not have immigration status entitling them to public benefits.

An individual is still a mandatory budget group member even if he or she is TANF ineligible for not being a U.S. citizen, a resident alien or an eligible refugee.  The income and resources of an illegal noncitizen member who is a legally responsible relative or stepparent are deemed to the budget group. See Chapter 155.

122.11 Declaration of Citizenship

One adult budget group member (age 18 or over) must sign the declaration of the application for benefits (PA 600 or COMPASS application). This certifies that each applicant household member is a citizen or a noncitizen with lawful immigration status. If there are no adult members, the applicant must sign the statement for all members.    

55 Pa. Code § 149.24

Effective as of December 18, 2006, CAOs must ask TANF applicants for proof of citizenship and identity for themselves and other persons for whom they are applying. At renewal, TANF recipients must provide proof of citizenship and identity for themselves and other budget group members if they have not already provided proof.

An adult member who refuses to sign the declaration is ineligible for benefits unless another adult member of the budget group signs for all members. If a signature cannot be obtained, each adult who refuses to sign the declaration is ineligible for benefits. The ineligible person’s income and resources will be considered available to any remaining members when determining their eligibility. The CAO must keep the signed declaration in the case record permanently. The declaration needs to be signed only once as long as the original signer remains part of the budget group.

NOTE:  TANF applicants or recipients may not be denied Cash Assistance or have Cash Assistance benefits delayed or closed if the person or family cooperates with the CAO in getting acceptable documentation of citizenship and identity but fails to provide documentation of citizenship and identity that meets Medical Assistance requirements. The CAO must use the Citizen and Identity Form (PA 1809) to verify citizenship and identity for TANF cash and Medical Assistance applicants and recipients.

55 Pa. Code § 125.21(b)

122.12 TANF Eligibility for Noncitizens

Under Title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996, only U.S. citizens, U.S. noncitizen nationals, and "qualified aliens" may be eligible for TANF.

Under PRWORA, a qualified alien is one of the following:

PRWORA further restricts qualified aliens who entered the U.S. on or after August 22, 1996, from eligibility for TANF for five years beginning on the date they entered the U.S. with qualified alien status. Most noncitizens who are subject to the five-year bar for TANF are also subject to sponsor deeming requirements.

The CAO must use program status code (PSC) 04 with C and U categories if a noncitizen in the budget group is ineligible for federally funded benefits because of the five year bar. The budget group must meet all TANF eligibility criteria, including work and child support requirements. The budget group is eligible for special needs allowances and supportive services, including child care. Special requirements related to victims of domestic violence also apply.

The following qualified aliens are not subject to the five-year bar:

When determining C/U 04 budget groups, the CAO must code the TANF budget group PSC 04 if any noncitizen member:

The CAO must determine a noncitizen’s date of entry into the U.S as follows:

NOTE:  If all noncitizen members of the TANF budget have lived in the U.S. for more than 5 years, the CAO must not use PSC 04.



Reissued February 21, 2014, replacing September 18, 2012