The Department provides the following cash allowances and other benefits to meet the needs of persons and families: 55 Pa. Code § 175.21
The Family Size Allowance (FSA) which is granted to eligible persons or families to meet basic living expenses for food, clothing, shelter, utilities and incidentals. See Chapter 168, Appendix C.
Special items allowances which are available for persons and families who have special needs, such as transportation to medical appointments or hearing aid batteries. 55 Pa. Code § 175.21(b)
Petty Cash Fund disbursements provided to cover transportation costs for travel required by the CAO or Department. 55 Pa. Code § 175.23
Emergency Shelter Allowances provided to help meet the cost of housing when needed because of an emergency. 55 Pa. Code § 289.4(a)(2)
Special allowances for supportive services which are available for items and services needed by a RESET participant to prepare for, seek, accept, or maintain education, employment or training. 55 Pa. Code § 165.2
Special allowances to relocate minor parents and their dependent children to the home of the minor parent’s parent or legal guardian when: 55 Pa. Code § 175.23(d)
1. The minor parent is not exempt from the requirement to live with the minor parent’s parent or legal guardian;
2. The parent or legal guardian lives in another location; and
3. It is confirmed that the minor parent has permission to live in the home of the parent or legal guardian.
Other allowances and benefits available to eligible cash assistance applicants and/or recipients are:
Planning grants when leaving an institution. See Chapter 192, Institutions; 55 Pa. Code § 161.24(b)
Grants to non-residents to reach their destination. See Chapter 123, Residence; 55 Pa. Code § 147.24(b)
Burial benefits. See Supplemental Handbook, Chapter 890, Burial Payments; 55 Pa. Code § 283
Medical coverage for doctor, hospital, prescription and dental services and for Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) for children under age 21. See the Medical Assistance Eligibility Handbook, Chapter 338, Medical Assistance Benefits. 55 Pa. Code § 175.71
Reviewed July 30, 2013