The CAO provides the client a completed Notice to Applicant when: 55 Pa. Code §125.24(c)(6)
an application is approved;
an application is denied;
an application is withdrawn;
an application/interview is not completed by the client;
a request for a special allowance is approved or denied; or
a request by a client to change the wording in the case narrative is denied.
When an application is approved, the Notice to Applicant will include:
The amount of the semimonthly payment or the amount of the special allowance and the time period covered.
The effective date of the monthly assistance payment and medical coverage.
An explanation of the benefit, if the initial cash payment covers an extended time period.
The name and telephone number of the person in the CAO to contact for more information, or to request a fair hearing.
The CAO may also add any other useful information such as a reminder of the obligation to report all changes.
When an application is denied, the Notice to Applicant will include : 55 Pa. Code §125.24(c)(6)
An explanation of the reason for the denial, and the facts and figures on which the decision was made.
The regulation for the decision and the Title 55 PA Code citation, CFR citation, Federal law citation, State law citation, or Court Order number citation.
The name and telephone number of the person in the CAO to contact for more information or to ask for a fair hearing; and
The name and address of a person or organization that provides free legal services.
At the application interview, the CAO will explain to the client all verification that is needed. Give the client a written list of the items to be verified and keep a copy of the list in the case record. 55 Pa. Code §125.24(c)(7)
If the applicant does not complete the application process within 30 calendar days, the CAO will send a Notice to Applicant rejecting the application.
If the CAO authorizes assistance pending verification, it will list the items needed and the requirement to provide the verification within 30 days from the authorization date.
A notice is not required at redetermination if there is no change in eligibility or payment amount.
Reviewed July 30, 2013