The control digit is an internal control used to eliminate the processing of transposition errors by automatically rejecting input which is not valid. The control digit is system calculated for all openings. The control digit is computed as follows:
It is based on the assigned case number, which is comprised of three basic parts:
County Number |
Record Number |
Category (or suffix) |
00 |
0000000 |
000 |
The County Number is assigned by arranging the counties alphabetically and numbering 1 through 67. For counties 1 through 9 only, a zero is placed in front of the number (01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, and 09).
At the present time, Record Numbers are comprised of three to seven numbers. The number of characters in the Record Number is extremely important in the calulation of the check digit for the following reasons:
If the Record Number has an even number of digits, a zero will be added in front of the Record Number.
Record No. (Even Number of digits) |
Record No. (Even – Preceded by “0” for calculation of control digit) |
685847 |
0685847 |
579831 |
0579831 |
If the Record Number has an odd number of digits in it, no change is required prior to calculating the check digit.
Record No. (Odd Number of digits) |
Record No. (Odd – for calculation of control digit) |
43761 |
43761 |
875 |
875 |
The letter(s) of the alphabet used to indicate category must be changed to a number.
The table below shows what number will be substituted for category for check digit calculation:
OAA = 1 |
BPB = 2 |
AFDC = 3 |
GA = 4 |
ADJ = 5 |
BPM = 6 |
TANF = 7 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
J |
M |
U |
PA |
TB |
PC |
PD |
PJ |
PM |
PU |
TA |
N |
TC |
TD |
TJ |
TU |
K |
PK |
TK |
For combination suffixes, such as C2, only the C is important.
Following is a step-by-step calculation of a control digit for Philadelphia County (county number 51), Record Number 685847, for a second TANF recipient in a household in a nursing home. Thus, the case number for this example would be:
County Number |
Record Number |
Category |
51 |
685847 |
C2 |
Even though for each step in control digit calculation the number is rewritten, in the actual calculation it is only written once. Below are the steps used in calculating the check digit:
County Number |
Record Number |
Suffix |
Step 1 |
Step 2 |
Step 3 |
Step 4 |
Step 5 |
1st Group – 51 on table – 3 |
Step 6 |
Step 7 |
Control Digit Generation Table |
00-0 |
10-9 |
20-8 |
30-7 |
40-6 |
50-5 |
60-4 |
70-3 |
80-2 |
90-1 |
01-8 |
11-7 |
21-6 |
31-5 |
41-4 |
51-3 |
61-2 |
71-1 |
81-0 |
91-9 |
02-6 |
12-5 |
22-4 |
32-3 |
42-2 |
52-1 |
62-0 |
72-9 |
82-8 |
92-7 |
03-4 |
13-3 |
23-2 |
33-1 |
43-0 |
53-9 |
63-8 |
73-7 |
83-6 |
93-5 |
04-2 |
14-1 |
24-0 |
34-9 |
44-8 |
54-7 |
64-6 |
74-5 |
84-4 |
94-3 |
05-9 |
15-8 |
25-7 |
35-6 |
45-5 |
55-4 |
65-3 |
75-2 |
85-1 |
95-0 |
06-7 |
16-6 |
26-5 |
36-4 |
46-3 |
56-2 |
66-1 |
76-0 |
86-9 |
96-8 |
07-5 |
17-4 |
27-3 |
37-2 |
47-1 |
57-0 |
67-9 |
77-8 |
87-7 |
97-6 |
08-3 |
18-2 |
28-1 |
38-0 |
48-9 |
58-8 |
68-7 |
78-6 |
88-5 |
98-4 |
09-1 |
19-0 |
29-9 |
39-8 |
49-7 |
59-6 |
69-5 |
79-4 |
89-3 |
99-2 |
Reissued September 9, 2008, replacing November 27, 2003; Reviewed June 18, 2013