303.1 General Policy

The Medical Assistance (MA) Program provides quality medical and dental services to individuals who are eligible for:



The Department of Human Services (DHS) makes direct payments to health professionals and vendors for services, medications  and medical supplies.

 DHS generally does not pay for new and expensive medicine or for experimental treatment.             

55 Pa. Code § 175.71

303.11 ACCESS Card

An MA identification card called the “Pennsylvania ACCESS card” is issued to each eligible individual. The ACCESS card is used by medical providers to get information from the Eligibility Verification System (EVS). This information is needed for medical providers to bill DPW directly for services. An individual who has other medical coverage may also be eligible for and use MA for services not covered by other insurance. (Examples of other medical coverage are Medicare and private insurance)

303.12 Role of the CAO

It is the County Assistance Office’s (CAO) job to explain the available MA programs and  provide the best coverage possible. The CAO gives brochures with information about MA programs and other medical services that are available in the community to anyone who applies for MA.

The CAO will explain that only medical providers who are in the plan can use the ACCESS card as proof that an individual is eligible for medical services. The CAO must also explain that only medical providers who are in the plan can be paid by the DPW for medical services.


            NOTE:  The CAO can use the MAPPER system, MA CARES, to identify enrolled providers for the individual. (See Chapter 338, Medical Assistance Benefits.)

303.13 Speeding Up an Application in a Medical Emergency

A medical emergency is when a physician or another medical professional under the physician’s supervision (for example, a physician’s assistant or certified nurse practitioner) tells an individual that the individual has a problem that can cause serious injury or death. Proof of an emergency medical condition can be:


When an individual applies for MA and says that he or she has an emergency medical condition, the CAO will take the following actions:

            NOTE:  If the individual is not allowed to get MA, the CAO will give a detailed explanation.

When taking applications for MA to cover an emergency, CAO staff should know the following:

           NOTE:  If the application shows that it is an emergency, the date stamp is considered the date of request. If the individual contacts the CAO either in individual or by phone, the contact date is the date of request.


Example: Mr. James submits an application for MA for himself and his son. Mr. James indicates on his application that he has an emergency medical situation and  provided all needed proof for himself. For his son’s MA, Mr. James is trying to get his son’s proof of child support from his ex-wife. The CAO finds Mr. James eligible and approves benefits before it gets the proof for his son.

303.131 Example of When to Speed Up an Application

Mr. Jones submits an application on Wednesday, January 2nd. He provides verification from a doctor that he has surgery scheduled for Thursday, January 10th, to correct a medical condition. The medical condition is not life threatening now, but it will become so if it is not treated. His surgeon refuses to perform the surgery without proof that Mr. Jones has medical coverage.


The CAO caseworker contacts Mr. Jones by telephone on January 2nd and requests proof of Mr. Jones’s income and resources. Mr. Jones turns in the proof on January 3rd. The CAO worker processes the application and sends Mr. Jones a notice of eligibility for MA on January 3rd. The worker also calls Mr. Jones to tell him of the decision the same day.

Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing September 6, 2008