304.3 Screening Interview

The CAO must review the information provided in an application of each individual who applies or contacts the CAO before or at the application interview. This is called the screening interview, and it may be conducted face to face, by telephone or by mail.  

55 Pa. Code § 125.24(b)

Generally, the CAO determines which is the right category of medical benefits for an individual and explains to the applicant what the requirements are for that category.

At the screening interview, the CAO must take the following actions, if appropriate:

Important:  If no income or limited income is reported, the CAO must ask for more information in order to find out how the individual has been able to get by.

   NOTE: The 30-day period may be extended to 45 days if the individual is given notice in writing for why there has been a delay.


Exception: When the CAO determines that an individual is ineligible during the screening interview, the CAO must deny the application unless the individual asks for an application interview. (See Section 304.53, Denying an Application When an Applicant Is Not Eligible.)


Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing June 16, 2008