Abbottsford Community Health Center
3205 Defense Terrace
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19129
Laurel Health Center/North Penn
245 Main Street
Blossburg, Pennsylvania 16912
Barnes-Kasson Health Center Inc.
400 Turnpike Street
Susquehanna, Pennsylvania 18847
Metro Family Health Center
901-B West Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221
Broad Top Area Medical Center
P.O. Box 127
Broad Top City, Pennsylvania 16621
Northside Christian Health Center
620 East Ohio Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212
Centerville Clinics, Inc.
1070 Old National Pike
Fredericktown, Pennsylvania 15333
Philadelphia (city) Dept. of Health
P.O. Box 8500-50020
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19178
Ches Penn Health Services
1300 West Ninth Street
Chester, Pennsylvania 19013
Philadelphia Health Management Corp.
260 South Broad Street, 18th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
Clay-Batelle Community Health Center
P.O. Box 72
Blacksville, West Virginia 26521
Primary Care Health Services/Alma Illery
7227 Hamilton Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208
Community Health Net
P.O. Box 369
Erie, Pennsylvania 16512
Quality Community Health Care, Inc.
2501 West Lehigh Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19132
Cornerstone Care
7 Glassworks Road
Greensboro, Pennsylvania 15338
Rural Health Corporation of Northeast PA
1084 Route 315
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18702
Covenant House Health Services
251 East Bringhurst Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
Scranton Primary Health Care Center
959 Wyoming Avenue
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18509
Delaware Valley Health Center
1412-20 Fairmont Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19130
Sharon Community Health Center
89 Elm Avenue
Sharon, Pennsylvania 16146
East Liberty Family Health Care Center
6023 Harvard Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206
Sharon Medical Group
P.O. Box 716
Sharon, Pennsylvania 16146
Esperanza Health Center
1331 East Wyoming Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19133
Southeast Lancaster Health Services Inc.
625 South Duke Street, P.O. Box 598
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602
Glendale Area Medical Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 3075
Coalport, Pennsylvania 16627
Southern Huntingdon County Medical Center
P.O. Box 40
Orbisonia, Pennsylvania 17243
Greater Philadelphia Health Action, Inc.
42 North Sixth Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123
Spectrum Health Services, Inc.
5619-25 Vine Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19139
Hamilton Health Center
1821 Fulton Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110
Sto Rox Neighborhood Health Center
710 Thompson Avenue
McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania 15136
Hope Clinic (1)
2221 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19132
Tri-State Community Health Center
130 West High Street
Hancock, Maryland 21750
Hyndman Health Center
P.O. Box 706
Hyndman, Pennsylvania 15545
Welsh Mountain Medical & Dental Center
584 Springville Road
New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557
Keystone Rural Health Center
820 Fifth Avenue
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201
York Health Corporation
132 South George Street
York, Pennsylvania 17401
Keystone Rural Health Consortia, Inc.
P.O. Box 270
Emporium, Pennsylvania 15834