377.2 Notice to Applicant

A completed Notice to Applicant will be sent to the applicant or recipient when:       55 Pa. Code § 125.24(c)      55 Pa. Code § 125.84(e)

377.21 Eligibility Notices

When an application is approved, the Notice to Applicant will show the following information (along with the information in Section 377):


The Notice to Applicant can be used to tell an applicant whether he or she is eligible for retroactive MA and the amount of the person’s patient pay liability, if any. If the applicant is applying for both continuing and retroactive MA, the CAO will separate notices.

377.22 Ineligible Notice (Eligibility Denied)

When an application is denied, the notice will give the following information:

377.23 Notices at Renewal

Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing December 16, 2010