The following automated sources of proof or information are available:
Social Security Number Posting System.
This system provides a listing of the newly issued Social Security numbers that have been posted to the CIS/e-CIS database.
IEVS can be used to confirm unemployment compensation, SSI benefits, and Social Security benefits. It may also have information on earned income, private pensions and unearned income reported to the Internal Revenue Service.
Federal Data Services Hub (FDSH)
FDSH is a federally maintained service, which provides connection to electronic data sources needed to verify information reported by the individual. FDSH provides the following real-time verification services:
Social Security Administration (SSA) Composite provides verification of the Social Security Number (SSN), U.S. Citizenship, Title II income (RSDI and Railroad Retirement benefits), and incarceration status through the SSA.
Verify Lawful Presence (VLP) is used to verify lawful presence of non-U.S. citizens through the Department of Homeland Security, VLP service is initiated once the Alien/Refugee screen is completed. If VLP is unable to verify immigration information a green alert message will appear. The CAO must follow current SAVE procedure if VLP verification fails. See Supplemental Handbook, Chapter 740, SAVE Procedures.
Remote Identity Proofing (RIDP) is used to ensure the privacy of personal information of individuals who apply and are determined eligible for MAGI MA online through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Access to Social Services (COMPASS).
TALX-FDSH provides real-time verification of wages used for online eligibility processing, automated renewal processing and eCIS processing for MA-only cases.
TALX-Equifax provides real-time verification of wages used for combination cases (MA,SNAP, TANF, and LIHEAP).
State on-line Query Internet (SOLQ-I) provides real-time verification of Title II and Title XVI (Social Security Income) benefits, SSN, U.S. citizenship directly through SSA.
Commonwealth Judicial Inquiry System (CJIS).
This system provides criminal histories from the Administrative Offices of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC), Department of Corrections State Prisons (DOCS), the Department of Corrections County Prisons (DOCC), the First Judicial District of Philadelphia Municipal Courts (FJDM), and the First Judicial District of Philadelphia Common Pleas Court (FJDC).
As a part of CJIS, Pennsylvania Justice Network (JNET) provides real-time information from the following sources:
Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole (PBPP)
MCI interface with SSA to verify citizenship and identity from SSA’s records.
This process is used to verify citizenship and identity for individuals who declare to be United States (U.S.) citizens if verification through the SSA Composite fails.
The CAO will use automated sources of information for verification before requesting documentation from the individual. The individual’s consent is not needed. The Department of Human Services' (DHS) applications state that an individual’s Social Security number may be used in an automated match. However, the CAO will:
Give the individual the chance to provide other proof if he or she disagrees with the automated information.
Not delay an eligibility determination if automated sources are not available.
Complete information and instructions for use of IEVS are found in "Using IEVS."
IEVS data may only be used to get information about applicants, recipients, and other individuals (such as legally responsible relatives) whose income and resources are used to determine MA eligibility.
The CAO will allow access to IEVS only to staff members who help provide benefits. Information from IEVS must be protected. Improper or unapproved use of IEVS to get information about people other than applicants, recipients or those whose income and resources must be considered, may result in fines, imprisonment or both.
IEVS uses an individual’s Social Security number to get income and/or resource information from the following sources:
The Department of Labor and Industry (DLI), the Office of Employment Security (OES) Wage file and Unemployment Compensation file.
TALX (FDSH and Equifax).
The Social Security Administration (SSA) BENDEX Master Benefit Record (MBR) , BENDEX Earnings Reference File (ERF), and SOLQ-I.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Unearned Income File.
Veteran's assistance through the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS).
Lottery through the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue.
NOTE: IEVS also uses an individual’s name, date of birth or Social Security Number (SSN) to get criminal history from the CJIS.
Data exchanges are conducted:
At regularly scheduled times by the automated system for each source. An individual is included in the match if their SSN appears in an active budget at the time of the exchange.
NOTE: The SSN of an individual living in the household but not a member of the applicant/recipient group is also included if that individual is listed in the CIS/e-CIS database.
At renewal, Exchange requests are automatically made for Exchanges 1, 2, 3, and 6.
The CAO can begin a match by completing an online “Exchange Request” transaction through the Exchanges.
When screening applicants for information.
When adding a new member to the applicant/recipient group
At renewal, if the CAO believes that more recent information may be available.
For information about an individual whose income and resources are counted but whose SSN is not included in an active budget.
When the CAO believes that the applicant/recipient group’s income or resources have changed.
The CAO believes there has been a change in a recipient’s unemployment compensation that took place after the most recent scheduled unemployment compensation data exchange.
The CAO verifies that an adult recipient is using a minor’s Social Security number for employment purposes.
Responses for some of the sources such as TALX-FDSH, TALX-Equifax, Exchange 3, Exchange 6, and Exchange 10 can be received in real-time. If a real-time response is not received, the CAO should allow 24-48 hours for information to be returned.
Data exchanges requests can be conducted in eCIS Case Processing (CP).
The CAO can manually initiate an IEVS request for TALX in Maintenance Mode from the "Employment and Wages" screen.
Automatic TALX requests are initialed from the Individual Demographics screen in Case Open, individual Add, Program Add, Reapplication, and Partial Reapplication modes.
For MAGI MA-only cases automatic real-time data exchange requests are generated for COMPASS online eligibility determinations and Enhanced MA renewals.
When an individual reports a change in Unemployment Compensation, RSDI or SSI on COMPASS, a data exchange request is made.
Information from data exchanges will be reviewed at the time of application, renewal, semi-annual review (SAR ), and when there is a change that affects eligibility. The CAO will act on new or changed information that is identified by the system within forty-five calendar days of the posting of the information to IEVS.
Exception: The CAO will act on SSI dispositions within ten days of the posting of the information on Exchange #6 (SDX).
Many MA-only cases do not post a "Hit Pending" when information is received, but the hit is system cleared and shows as "System Evaluated". To prevent errors, the CAO will review all system-evaluated dispositions and take the proper actions.
Information from TALX, Exchange 1 DLI-Wage, Exchange 2-UC, Exchange 3 BENDEX-MBR, and Exchange 6-SSI is considered verified upon receipt and may be used without other proof if it is reasonably compatible with information reported by the individual. (See Chapter 378, Section 378.12 Reasonable Compatibility.)
Information from Exchanges 4, 5, 9, 10, and 11 always requires proof. Exchange 8 information is considered verified upon receipt for MA-only cases. See IEVS/SAVE/PACSES and SAR desk guide for additional information.
NOTE: The Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) has developed an Exhaustion of Unemployment Compensation letter (UC-50) that an individual will supply to the County Assistance Office (CAO) when the CAO needs to verify an individual has exhausted unemployment compensation and the information is not clearly available on Data Exchange 2. The letter confirms the last week payable, not the date the final benefit was issued. Only the individual may request the UC-50 form from DLI.
If information from IEVS was not reported or does not match information given by the individual and the CAO initiates an overpayment investigation by disposing of the exchange hit with an "O", the CAO will:
1. Send a Client Verification Request Form (PA 162-VR) allowing the recipient ten calendar days to respond.
2. Send an Advance Notice to close the budget if the recipient refuses or fails to cooperate or does not respond within 10 calendar days.
3. Ask for proof of income and resources from third parties to find out whether there is an overpayment.
4. Take action based on information found through IEVS, including sending an Advance Notice to close MA, if that is needed.
The CAO will dispose of an IEVS hit within 45 days.
NOTE: All information received for an individual who is entered as an applicant (Type A) results in a disposition.
A disposition is required for the following situations:
Exchange #1, Wage Information.
The income codes 001–009 do not appear in e-CIS.
The employer number is new or different from earlier IEVS information.
Exchange #2, Unemployment Benefit (UC) Information.
The first character of First Name/First three characters of Last Name matches and the UC adjustment code of 010 does not appear in e-CIS.
The UC information is new, a UC check was issued within the last 90 days, and the UC income code does not appear in e-CIS.
Exchange #3, Master Benefit Record (MBR) Information.
The category is A, J, or M and the activity status in e-CIS is different than the status on BENDEX; for example, the status is active in e-CIS, but inactive on BENDEX.
Active RSDI, SSI, Black Lung, or Railroad Retirement benefits appear on BENDEX, but income is not adjusted in e-CIS.
The amount of RSDI, SSI, Black Lung, or Railroad Retirement benefits is different from earlier IEVS information.
Information shows that the individual went from nonpayment status to payment status.
Exchange #4, Earnings Reference File (ERF).
Benefits were received during the tax year covered by ERF data.
There is no earned income budget adjustment for the same tax year.
Exchange #5, Unearned Income.
The match shows that income was received from the following document types:
31 – Tuition |
86 – Government Payments |
67 – Stocks |
Interest income for the following categories was more than the amounts shown:
$ 36.00 |
$ 45.00 |
PG |
$ 90.00 |
PI, PW |
$150.00 |
Exchange #6, SDX Information.
Newly Authorized SSI Cases.
A disposition reason code appears in the upper right corner of the detail inquiry screen for Exchange #6. This code will indicate why the disposition has been set.
01 |
Non-payment of SSI Benefits to a Disabled Adult Child (DAC). |
02 |
Active on SDX, not found or active in the appropriate SSI category in e-CIS. |
04 |
Active in e-CIS in federal SSI category. Not found active on SDX. |
05 |
Inter-state Move. Individual moved to another state. (NOTE): System will automatically process another request to obtain the out-of-state address.) |
06 |
Payment amount change. |
08 |
Intra-state move. Individual has moved to another address within Pennsylvania and/or the payment name has changed. |
09 |
Intra-state move. Individual has moved to another address within Pennsylvania and/or the payment name has changed and there is a change in the payment amount. |
10 |
Record was sent for auto SSI opening and failed Master Client Index (MCI) file clearance. |
Exchange #7, Buy In.
A match shows that there are differences in demographic information between CIS/e-CIS and Buy-In or data in one database suggests that the situation in one or more of the other databases may be wrong. A discrepancy code is set.
Exchange #8, Deceased individuals Match.
A match shows different information in the databases. Status Codes 02 and 03 are the only records targeted for worker review and action.
Exchange #9a, PARIS Interstate Match and #9b, Veteran's Assistance.
A worker disposition is created when all data elements match for individuals who are currently active in e-CIS and appear on the eligibility file of the matching state.
Exchange #10, CJIS.
CJIS exchange sources send the department criminal background information on individuals who meet the Act 20, Act 35, and PRWORA criteria. A match is created from the information received from the exchange sources. The information is not always confirmed by the source at the time of collection. The accuracy of some CJIS exchange source information is uncertain. Because of this situation, CJIS information passes through an extensive matching process with the e-CIS database to find all possible matches of a CJIS individual with e-CIS. Even after this matching process, the CAO worker must determine whether the match is really the e-CIS applicant or recipient.
The information from NCIC on IEVS Exchange 10 information is strictly historical information. It may or may not be currently accurate and should not be considered verified upon receipt. DHS has not received updated information from NCIC for several years.
Currently, no information received on IEVS Exchange 10 from any of the data sources should be considered as verified upon receipt. The information may only be used as a lead to help the IMCW identify the possibility of past or current criminal history.
Exchange #11, Lottery
A match with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue provides information of individuals who claim their lottery winnings through the Pennsylvania Treasury.
Updated September 7, 2017, Replacing May 27, 2016