The CAO must include one of the following explanations with specific regulations on the Notice to Applicant and a copy of all notices must be sent to the local Area Agency on Aging (AAA).
Individual Has Met the Requirements for the Domiciliary Care/Personal Care Supplement
If you wish to appeal our decision regarding this certification, please follow the instructions found in the Appeal and Fair Hearing section of this notice. Domiciliary Care/Personal Care Supplement
Individual Has Not Met the Requirements for the Domiciliary Care/Personal Care Supplement We have determined that you have not met the requirements for the Domiciliary Care/Personal Care Supplement to the Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program because ______ . If you wish to appeal our decision please follow the instructions
Advance notice must be given on the PS/FS 162A and accompanied by the PS/FS 162F
for any eligibility changes.
Individual No Longer Meets the Requirements for the Domiciliary Care/Personal Care Supplement
It was determined that you no longer meet the criteria necessary to continue receiving the Domiciliary Care/Personal Care Supplement to the Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program. Termination notification will be sent the Social Security Administration. if you wish to appeal our decision please follow the instructions found in the Appeal and Fair Hearing section of this notice.
Updated May 7, 2015, Replacing February 14, 2012