ACCESS Plus Helpline |
800-543-7633 |
Admission Certification - Acute Care Hospitals |
Emergency: 800-558-4374 |
Aids Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) see: Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program |
AIDS Factline |
800-662-6080 |
AIDS Waiver Program |
717- 772-2525 |
Child Abuse Hotline/Childline |
800-932-0313 |
Concurrent Hospital Review |
800-558-4247 |
Connect Hotline |
800-692-7288 |
DOE, Bureau of Community and Student Services |
717-772-2813 |
DOE, National School Lunch and Breakfast Program/Child Nutrition Program/Summer Food Service |
717-787-3186 |
DOH, Division of Children's Special Health Care Needs |
800-852-4453 |
DOH, Division of Maternal and Child Health |
717-772-2762 |
DOH, Division of Treatment, Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Program |
717-787-2712 |
DOH, Division of Prevention, Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Program |
717-787-2606 |
DOH, Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs |
717-783-8200 |
DHS, Division of Outpatient Operations |
717-772-6181 |
DHS, Division of Outpatient Programs |
717-772-6140 |
DHS, Division of Outpatient Programs, Primary Care Case Management |
717-772-6341 |
DHS Inquiry Units (Questions prior to submitting claims) |
< |
Outpatient Provider Types |
800-537-8862 |
< |
Inpatient Providers: |
800-822-2901 |
< |
Long Term Care Providers: |
800-932-0939 |
< |
Pharmacies and Ancillary |
800-537-8861 |
DHS, Office of Income Maintenance, HELPLINE |
800-692-7462 |
< |
DHS, Office of Mental Health, Bureau of Children’s Services |
717-787-3458 or |
EDS Provider Assistance Center |
800-248-2152 |
Eligibility Verification System (EVS) |
800-766-5387 |
Enrollment Call Answering Service |
717-772-6456 |
EVS Point of Sale Device Supplies (DataCard) |
800-826-0490 |
Healthy Beginnings Plus Program |
800-986-2229 |
Healthy Woman Program (BCCPT) |
1-877-PA-HEALTH |
Lancaster Community Health Program |
Providers: |
800-478-5287 |
MH/MR Case Management Provider Inquiry Line |
800-433-4459 |
Medical Assistance Call Center |
866-542-3015 |
Michael Dallas Waiver |
717-772-6227 or |
Prior Authorization - Pharmacy |
800-558-4477 |
Prior Authorization - Exception Requests and Benefit Limit Requests |
Providers: |
800-558-4477 |
Prior Authorization - Home Health Services |
800-558-4477 |
Prior Authorization - Questions Only |
Clients: |
800-433-1324 |
Project Success |
717-763-1661 |
PROMISe Provider Inquiry Unit The link for the complete listing of telephone numbers is located in the Provider Section of the OMAP website at |
Practitioner Unit |
800-537-8862 |
Provider Enrollment : |
717-772-6140 717-772-2571 |
Place of Service Review (PSR) Certification |
800-558-4777 |
Recipient Restriction Unit |
866-400-5843 |
Rural Opportunities |
800-692-7450 |
School Health Services |
717-787-2390 |
Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program (HIV and AIDS Drugs, Mental Health Drugs/Schizophrenia |
Providers/Clients |
800-922-9384 |
Targeted Case Management – Prior Authorization (medical necessity for children under age 21) |
717-772-6190 |
Targeted Case Management (AIDS) |
717-772-6295 |
Veterans Affairs - Philadelphia |
800-827-1000 |
Veterans Affairs - Pittsburgh |
412-281-4233 |
Welfare Fraud and Abuse |
800-932-0582 |
Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC) |
800-942-9467 |
Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing June 29, 2007