350.4 Rental Property Income

The CAO will count income from room and board, room rent, and the rental of real property or personal property.

350.41 SSI-Related

The CAO will count income from room and board, room rent, and rental property as unearned income.


NOTE:  For allowable deductions from unearned rental income, see Chapter 360, NMP Deductions, and Chapter 361, MNO Deductions.

55 Pa. Code § 181.107


Exception: Income from renting real or personal property that is reported to the IRS as a trade or business is treated as self-employment income. (See Chapter 352, Self-Employment.)     

55 Pa. Code § 181.92   

350.42 MAGI/TANF/GA-Related

The CAO will count income from rental property managed by a rental agency or other third party as unearned income. The individual must have no specific responsibility for managing the property or the capital investment.


NOTE:  For allowable deductions from unearned rental income, see Chapter 360, NMP Deductions, and Chapter 361, MNO Deductions.

55 Pa. Code § 181.288


If the rental property is not managed by a rental agency or other third party, the CAO will count the income from rental property as self-employment income. (See Chapter 352, Self-Employment.)             

55 Pa. Code § 181.272


Updated October 30, 2018, Replacing February 14, 2012